Families' experiences of supporting Australian veterans and emergency service first responders (ESFRs) to seek help for mental health problems

Content type
Journal article

November 2022


Louise Roberts, Elaine Waddell, Wavne Rikkers, Louise Roberts, Tiffany Beks, David Lawrence, Pilar Rioseco, Tiffany Sharp, Ben Wadham, Galina Daraganova, Miranda Van Hooff

This article explores how families can be better supported to care for the mental health of veterans and emergency service first responders. It draws on interviews with 25 family members, and also looks at whether families feel included within the mental health response system and the barriers they face to taking action.

Journal name
Health and Social Care in the Community
Journal ISSN

Lawn, S., Waddell, E., Rikkers, W., Roberts, L., Beks, T., Lawrence, D., et al. (2022). Families' experiences of supporting Australian veterans and emergency service first responders (ESFRs) to seek help for mental health problems. Health and Social Care in the Community, 30(6), e4522-e4534.
