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Resource sheet

January 2017

Centre for Community Child Health (CCCH) - Royal Children's Hospital
The CCCH conducts research into early childhood development and behaviour. The Centre has a specific focus upon supporting and strengthening community-based professionals and organisations working with families and children and produces a range of accessible, evidence-based resources for those audiences including a regular series of policy briefs. The Centre produces a regular series of Policy Briefs; concise summaries of issues of relevance to early childhood. They also provide access to Practice Resources that outline practical strategies for professionals who work with young children and their families on topics such as breastfeeding and eating behaviour.

Child and Youth Health (CYH)
An initiative of the Government of South Australia. Child and Youth Health provides extensive information on health issues of relevance to children, young people, parents and caregivers.

Early Childhood Australia (ECA)
Early Childhood Australia (ECA) has been a voice for young children since 1938. We are the peak early childhood advocacy organisation, acting in the interests of young children, their families and those in the early childhood field. ECA advocates to ensure quality, social justice and equity in all issues relating to the education and care of children aged birth to eight years.

Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development (Canada)
This site covers 38 topics related to the psychosocial development of the child, from conception to the age of five, and presents the most up-to-date scientific knowledge.

Family lives (UK)
A UK site that has a range of information on parenting and message boards.

Family Relationships Online
This Australian Government initiative has a parents page with information and advice about family relationship issues.

Keys to Living Together - Then we were three
This resource is for couples who have had or are having their first child. Each kit consists of a DVD and mini magazine.

KidsMatter has information sheets about parents' and carers' mental health.

Parenting and Family Support Centre (PFSC)
The Parenting and Family Support Centre (PFSC) was established in 1996 as a specialist family intervention research and training facility within the School of Psychology at The University of Queensland.

The centre aims to promote the health and wellbeing of families and children by conducting research and training, and by providing clinical services based on scientifically validated methods of family intervention.

The PFSC's primary research and clinical activities revolve around its Triple P - Positive Parenting Program.

Parenting Research Centre
Engages in a range of research activities to help parents raise children well. The focus is generating new knowledge of how parenting practices affect children, and how best to engage and support parents in this rewarding but often challenging task.

Parenting resources - NSW Department of Family and Community Services
This website provides some tips, advice and guidelines for parents and carers. There is information about caring for babies and toddlers, as well as general parenting tips and advice, and a set of information sheets for fathers, Dads make a Difference. There are also two parenting magazines available that are specifically designed for the needs of Arabic parents, carers and families and one for Pacific Islander families.

Raising children network
The Australian parenting website - Online guide to raising children aged 0-8 including information on behaviour, nutrition, safety, health and daily care.

The Resilience Doughnut
A model for building resilience in children and young people. It is a simple and practical resilience-building tool that can be easily used by anyone, including young people themselves.

The Commission for Children and Young People (VIC)
The Victorian Commission for Children and Young People publishes a range of resources for parents and carers.

Single mothers resource booklet
This Parenting Research Centre publication, Single Mothers: A resource for parenting solo, offers practical tips for single mothers on adjusting to change, looking after yourself, helping your children cope and building positive family relationships.

ThinkUKnow is designed to educate parents and teachers about how to create a safe on-line experience for children and young people.

Victorian Burns Prevention Partnership (VBPP)
The Royal Children's Hospital (RCH) Safety Centre, together with representatives from the state's fire services (Metropolitan Fire Brigade and Country Fire Authority) and the Alfred Hospital and RCH burns units have been meeting to share knowledge, discuss issues, and initiate and develop joint projects to encourage burns prevention.

Stay Safe, a quarterly newsletter, provides valuable fire safety and burns prevention information to parents, teachers, grandparents and all those responsible for the care of young children aged between zero and eight years. To request a hard copy call (03) 9345 5085 or to download a copy from their website.
