Attendance in primary school

Factors and consequences

Content type
Commissioned report

October 2014


Galina Daraganova

Commissioning Body

Australian Government Department of Social Services

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A report commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.

School attendance plays an important role in academic success, yet - with most studies focusing on secondary school - very little is understood about school attendance in the primary school years. This report aims to understand more about attendance patterns in primary school and their impact on academic achievement, using data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) and the National Assessment Program (Literacy and Numeracy) (NAPLAN). It examines the child, family, and school characteristics that lead to school non-attendance, protective and risk factors, and differences at ages 6-7, 8-9, and 10-11.

This report was authored by AIFS staff and published by the Australian Government Department of Social Services
