About us

Providing evidence to improve family-sector policy and practice

About AIFS

The Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) is a Melbourne-based Australian Government statutory agency. It was established in 1980 under the Family Law Act 1975.

AIFS’ mission is to conduct high-quality, impartial research into the wellbeing of Australian families, to inform government policy and promote evidence-based practice in the family services sector.

AIFS also incorporates the Australian Gambling Research Centre (AGRC), which was established under the Gambling Measures Act 2012. AIFS’ Director governs AGRC’s operations.

AIFS operates within the portfolio of the Department of Social Services (DSS) and is responsible to the Minister for Social Services.

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Liz Neville | Acting Director

Liz Neville                    
BSocWk, (UQ), BEd, (QUT), MAsEval, (Melb)

Liz Neville is the Director of AIFS. Her background is in disability, aged care and community services, and she has qualifications in social work, education and evaluation. 

Liz has previously worked in management roles in service delivery and peak body organisations in the not for profit sector. She has also worked as as a senior manager in provision of government advisory services. Before joining AIFS, she was a senior executive with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

Executive team

Catherine Anderson | Research Director, Data and Lifecourse Studies

Catherine Andersson 
Research Director, Data and Lifecourse Studies 
BA (Psych Hons) (UQ), GCert Mgmt (USQ), MCrim (Melb)

Catherine Andersson has more than 20 years’ experience working in monitoring and evaluation of government policy, including senior leadership roles at the Productivity Commission and the Victorian Department of Justice and Regulation. She has extensive experience working with non-government organisations, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations which has contributed to her strong understanding of government policy priorities, particularly in relation to social policy and Indigenous affairs. Prior to joining AIFS she was an Assistant Commissioner for the Closing the Gap Review and Reporting Group at the Productivity Commission.

Rae Kaspiew | Research Director (Systems and Services)

Kira Duggan 
Research Director (Systems and Services) 
BA (Hons) (Melb), DipL (Mandarin) (Melb)

Kira Duggan is a social policy evaluation specialist and has worked with a broad range of government agencies and community service agencies across Australia and internationally. She has experience in advising on program evaluation and design; evidence-based policy and strategy development; sector engagement; organisational and operating model design; and change management. Kira has extensive experience across child and family services, education and early childhood development, disability, mental health, youth justice and domestic and family violence. Before joining AIFS she was the Director of Evaluation and Program Impact at the Victorian Government Department of Education.

Michael Alexander | Chief Operating Officer

Dr Michael Alexander                    
Chief Operating Officer                
BEc (Hons) (Adelaide), PhD (Employment Relations) (Griffith)

Dr Michael Alexander is responsible for the management of services to support the Institute's research activity, including human and financial resources and communications services.  

Reconciliation Action Plan

At AIFS, we are committed to promoting and furthering reconciliation in everything we do, and we have developed our RAP because we want to ensure that our commitment is known to everyone who engages with AIFS.

Find out more – AIFS Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan 2023 – 2024
