Establishing the connection between alcohol and other drug use and sexual victimisation

Content type
Commissioned report

July 2015


Antonia Quadara, Rebecca Jenkinson

Commissioning Body

Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety Limited (ANROWS).

A paper commissioned by Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety Limited (ANROWS).

This paper establishes the current state of knowledge on the association between alcohol and drug use and sexual violence. It examines the prevalence of sexual violence and alcohol and drug use in Australia; the association between alcohol and drug use and severity of, or vulnerability to, sexual violence and re-victimisation; correlations between child sexual abuse and subsequent alcohol and drug use, and adult sexual abuse and subsequent alcohol and drug use; and current practice around identification, assessment, response and referral pathways between alcohol and other drug services and sexual assault services. The implications for service provision are also discussed.

This report was authored by AIFS staff and published by ANROWS

Establishing the connection between alcohol and other drug use and sexual victimisation
