Women's and men's consciousness of shortcomings in marital relations, and of the need for change


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Content type
Family Matters article

April 2001


Are women more or less satisfied with their marriage than men? Are they more interested than men in pressing for change in their relationship? A recent study collected information on men's and women's positive and negative feelings about their partners and their relationships. This paper is a preliminary report of findings from the Melbourne Marriage Survey which examined the perceptions of a sample of currently married men and women. It was undertaken to establish the existence of consciousness in both a general and specific sense of the need for change in the relationship. 

Are women more or less satisfied with their marriage than men? Are they more interested than men in pressing for change in their relationship? A recent study collected information on men's and women's positive and negative feelings about their partners and their relationships. This paper is a preliminary report of findings from the Melbourne Marriage Survey which examined the perceptions of a sample of currently married men and women. It was undertaken to establish the existence of consciousness in both a general and specific sense of the need for change in the relationship.

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