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Family Matters article

June 1995

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The author outlines two broad views about the likely effects of sexuality education based on its opponents and supporters. The opponents of sexuality education have accused it of undermining family values, promoting homosexuality and increasing adolescent sexuality activity which is then reflected in the number of unintended pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmissible diseases. On the other hand, the supporters of sexuality education have viewed it as the solution to a series of complex, persistent and multi faceted social problems. They believe that increased information about sex and sexual behaviour will protect young people from the potentially harmful effects of sexual activity such as unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmissible diseases and abuse, but that it will not promote sexual activity.

The author outlines two broad views about the likely effects of sexuality education based on its opponents and supporters. The opponents of sexuality education have accused it of undermining family values, promoting homosexuality and increasing adolescent sexuality activity which is then reflected in the number of unintended pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmissible diseases. On the other hand, the supporters of sexuality education have viewed it as the solution to a series of complex, persistent and multi faceted social problems. They believe that increased information about sex and sexual behaviour will protect young people from the potentially harmful effects of sexual activity such as unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmissible diseases and abuse, but that it will not promote sexual activity.

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