What's new in the Family Court


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Family Matters article

April 1998

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The particular focus of this family law overview, a regular feature of Family Matters, is a proposal by the Law Council of Australia that model de facto relationships legislation be enacted by each State and Territory as soon as practicable. The background to the proposal is explained; current legislative approaches are outlined; the two disparate approaches to de facto relationships legislation identified by the Council are noted; and brief details of the Council's proposal are provided. Also discussed are the availability of indigenous court interpreters, and the recent endorsement by the Family Court of 'Guidelines for court counsellors regarding the involvement of children in conciliation counselling', and the significance of these guidelines.

The particular focus of this family law overview, a regular feature of Family Matters, is a proposal by the Law Council of Australia that model de facto relationships legislation be enacted by each State and Territory as soon as practicable. The background to the proposal is explained; current legislative approaches are outlined; the two disparate approaches to de facto relationships legislation identified by the Council are noted; and brief details of the Council's proposal are provided. Also discussed are the availability of indigenous court interpreters, and the recent endorsement by the Family Court of 'Guidelines for court counsellors regarding the involvement of children in conciliation counselling', and the significance of these guidelines.

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