Sharnee Moore

Senior Research Fellow

Child & Family Evidence

Sharnee Moore is a researcher and evaluator. Sharnee currently leads AIFS’ Evidence and Evaluation Support project, which works with family and child focused service providers to build their capacity to plan, monitor and evaluate their family and child focused programs. Sharnee’s earlier research and evaluation work at AIFS includes contributing to the Evaluation of the 2012 Family Violence Amendments to the Family Law Act, research examining the Role of Independent Children’s Lawyers in the family law system, and a scoping study for a National Survey of Children and Young People in Out-of-home Care.


  • Master of Evaluation, University of Melbourne
  • Graduate Diploma (Legal Practice), Australian National University
  • Juris Doctor, University of Canberra
  • Graduate Certificate (Public Administration)
  • Bachelor of Social Science, James Cook University
  • Bachelor of Arts, University of Queensland