Work and Family: Employers' Views

Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) Monograph No 11


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Content type
Research report

December 1991

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This report summarises the demographic and social changes affecting work and family life. Some of the government and corporate initiatives taking place overseas and in Australia are described. It presents the findings from a qualitative study of Australian companies that explored employer perceptions, attitudes and responses regarding work and family issues and the implications for shaping the provision of policies that support workers with family responsibilities. The study examines what employee matters are considered critical, whether work and family conflicts are recognised as a problem, how an employee's family needs are catered for, what policies or initiatives that are supportive to families have been considered or implemented, what are the constraints and where is the resistance to introducing benefits, and what is the attitude of each company to men and women sharing family responsibilities.

The study was based on 53 semi-structured interviews with human resource, personnel, equal opportunity or general managers in 40 companies in several Australian States between August - December 1990. (Author)

Australian Institute of Family Studies Monograph No. 11


Australian Institute of Family Studies Monograph No. 11


