Inquiry into the prevalence, causes and impacts of loneliness in New South Wales

Content type

November 2024

This submission presents findings from our research that is relevant to the Inquiry into the prevalence, causes and impacts of loneliness in New South Wales (NSW). It reflects on AIFS research findings comprising:

  • Factors, dynamics and effects of isolation for older people: An exploratory study that includes people aged 65+ in NSW (a key cohort identified in Term of Reference 3) (Stevens, Carson & Wall, 2024a)
  • Understanding and defining loneliness and social Isolation (Strawa, 2022) a literature review
  • data from the AIFS National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study (NEAPS) 
  • data from Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children on the experiences of young people during COVID-19. 
