Inquiry into the provisions of the Paid Parental Leave Amendment (Improvements for Families and Gender Equality) Bill 2022
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This is AIFS submission to the Inquiry into the Provisions of the Paid Parental Leave Amendment (Improvements for Families and Gender Equality) Bill 2022. AIFS has a long history in undertaking research on the leave-taking and employment of new parents, reporting on parental employment trends, and has ongoing involvement in the International Network on Leave Policies and Research. We recognise the importance of a paid parental leave scheme that provides families with options for taking time out of employment to nurture infants and young children, while maintaining a longer-term connection to employment.
AIFS notes that the PPL Amendments are intended to build on the current scheme, to allow PPL to be more accessible, more flexible and more gender neutral. AIFS also notes a couple of areas of concern for further consideration.