Showing 10 of 1666 results in Research
This Facts and Figures explores changes to the composition of Australian families over time, adding to the…
This article highlights how the family law system continues to face challenges in producing safe and…
This research snapshot outlines some key changes in the population, households and families of Australia over…
The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee is currently reviewing a new Bill to amend…
The Australian Gambling Research Centre has made a submission to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport,…
This analysis highlights some socio-economic, cultural and health-related factors associated with the…
An overview of the early childhood education and care sector, the contribution of subsidies, and a summary of…
Summarises aspects of the Child Care Package that impact on the cost of child care, and reports on some of…
This snapshot presents findings from the evaluation of the Child Care Package that relate to experiences of…
This snapshot focuses on child care fees, including analysis of the distribution of fees charged, and…