Web resources: Alcohol and drug use


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Resource sheet

January 2017

Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS)
ADIS is a telephone counselling, information and referral service for clients, families and anyone else who needs information and support regarding alcohol and other drug use. ADIS is available in all states and territories and in most places is a 24/7 service, staffed by professional drug and alcohol counsellors.
Further information can be found in the front of phone books in each state/territory.

  • NSW ADIS: (02) 9361 8000 or 1800 422 599
  • VIC DirectLine: 1800 888 236
  • SA ADIS: (08) 8363 8618 or 1300 131 340
  • WA ADIS: (08) 9442 5000 or 1800 198 024
  • QLD ADIS: (07) 3837 5989 or 1800 177 833
  • TAS ADIS: 1800 811 994
  • NT ADIS: 1800 131 350
  • ACT ADIS: (02) 6205 4545

Australian Drug Foundation (ADF)
The ADF conducts research on drug issues, and implements drug education programs. Resources are available for workers, individuals & families.

Australian Drug Information Network
The Australian Drug Information Network (ADIN) provides a central point of access to quality Internet-based alcohol and drug information provided by prominent organisations in Australia and internationally.
ADIN is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing as part of the National Illicit Drug Strategy and managed by the Australian Drug Foundation.
The site hosts a list of alcohol and drug services (link is external) throughout Australia.

Counselling Online
This secure and anonymous service if suited to people who find it difficult to access services, or who may not yet be ready for face-to-face sessions. Counselling Online operates 24 hours per day, 7 per week. It can be used by anyone with a concern about their drug or alcohol use by people with concerns about people close to them.

DrugInfo Clearinghouse
This Drug Prevention Network, serviced by The Australian Drug Foundation, provides links to information from local, national and international sources - for professionals, families, and general community members. The service incorporates a library and bookshop, as well as free resources.

Dual Diagnosis Support Kit
Dual diagnosis is when a person is affected by both mental illness and substance misuse. The NSW Department of Community Services (DoCS) has developed the Dual Diagnosis Support Kit to help workers and families where there is parental dual diagnosis. The books and resources in the kit are intended to help workers, carers and parents introduce the issues of parental dual diagnosis and explore concerns that children or family members may have. It provides positive strategies for coping with dual diagnosis, as well as contacts for help and support.

Family Drug Help (FDH)
Family Drug Help (FDH) is a new and innovative service designed specifically to address the support and information needs of parents, other family members and significant others of someone with problematic alcohol or other drug use. People with personal experience of the effects of alcohol or other drug use within their family or friendship group are involved at all levels of the service.

Family Drug Support Australia (FDS)
Support for families including information & education nights, support meetings, and links to special events. FDS is largely volunteer-run, with people who have experienced first hand the difficulties of having family members with drug dependency.

FARE: Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education
FARE is a research and advocacy organisation that provides research information and resources in preventing the harm caused by alcohol.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Information, resources and publications on building resilience and facilitating recovery for people with or at risk for mental or substance use disorders.

Turning Point (VIC)
Turning Point strives to promote and maximise the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities living with and affected by alcohol and other drug-related harms. The service aspires to be a world leading service delivery and research and development centre. Includes treatment and support, research and development and training.
