Showing 10 of 11 results in Practice resources
An overview of conceptual definitions of abusive and neglectful behaviours, and legislative definitions of "a…
A brief overview of child protection legislation across state and territory jurisdictions in Australia
This short article discusses key considerations for involving children and young people in research, using an…
Recent research conducted by AIFS highlights the importance of incorporating child-inclusive practices in the…
Practical guidance for involving children in child-safe organisations, based on what children and young…
Findings from a large research study on Australia's family law system tell a complicated story.
This paper aims to provide non-legal professionals in the family law sector with a general outline of the…
This paper will explore the research on detected female offenders who are also victim/survivors of sexual…
Examines the importance of listening to the perspectives of young people on their experiences of parental…
In this paper, we look at the issues facing those responsible for ensuring the safety and wellbeing of…