Family Matters No. 63, 2002
Fertility - the debate, the trends, the aspirations
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November 2002
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The 'fertility crisis' has been the subject of active debate in the past year, and includes issues related to work and family, women's participation in the paid workforce, the ageing of the population, paid maternity leave, child care, the structure of family payments, the environment and the future of immigration.
The 'fertility crisis' has been the subject of active debate in the past year, and includes issues related to work and family, women's participation in the paid workforce, the ageing of the population, paid maternity leave, child care, the structure of family payments, the environment and the future of immigration. In his Director's report, the author outlines some of the points of view made by various contributors to this issue of Family Matters and the trends involved.
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Publications committee: David de Vaus,Matthew Gray,Meredith Michie, Catherine Rosenbrock, Ann Sanson, David Stanton, Ruth Weston and Sarah Wise
Editor: Meredith Michie