Families in the 1990s: A challenge for future policy approaches


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Content type
Research report

February 1993

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Using the results of Institute research studies and other national statistical collections a demographic and historical profile of the position of families is presented, covering: Marriage and fertility; Multicultural diversity; Education trends; Women in the labour force; Secularism and new values; Liberation, equity and legislative change; Suburban, urban and rural life; Marital relationships and divorce. Key issues facing families in the 1990s are discussed, including: Juggling work and family responsibilities; Economic inequality and unemployment; The parent role; The place of youth in society; A healthier approach to ageing; Men; The violence issue; Economic and social support; New partnerships - building stronger communities; Developing a child- friendly, family- friendly community. Suggestions and recommendations for addressing each issue are included and the following four concluding statements are proposed: Families are valued and valuable; Families are diverse, not uniform; Family policies are not just 'women's issues' but matters for men, children, youth, the elderly, the workplace, schools, and every community group; Family wellbeing results not just from internal family relationships but from a supportive partnership between governments, employers, community groups and families themselves.
