Family Relationships Services Program Review
Final input technical report
September 2024
Rae Kaspiew, Rachel Carson, John De Maio, Lixia Qu, Jody Hughes, Sarah Callahan, Liz Wall, Daisy Smith, Jessie Dunstan, Emily Stevens, Rachel Moody, Luke Gahan, Briony Horsfall, Salma Ahmed, Maggie Wozniak, Glen White, Megerssa Walo, Sarah Nguyen, Kei Sakata
Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department (AGD)
This report was commissioned and funded by the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department (AGD). It examines the Family Relationships Services Program.
The report first details the background and aims of the Review and the methodology for each component of the research. It then sets out findings from each component of the research after a summary chapter synthesising the key findings from each of these research components, with reference to each term of reference for the FRSP Review.
We would like to acknowledge and thank Liz Neville, AIFS Acting Director, Dr Rae Kaspiew, AIFS Research Director, Systems and Services, and our colleagues Dominique Barker and Glen White, for their valuable contributions and support with Power BI.
Sincere thanks to Katharine Day, Rachel Evans, Rebecca Martinelli and Emma Kennedy for their communications contributions and editing support, and librarian Gillian Lord for her contributions to our literature review.
We further acknowledge and thank our research partners Professor Victoria Hovane, Dr Chris Schilling, Dr Guogui Huang and our thanks to Warren Dean for his expert guidance and consultation in developing the Power BI interactive dashboard.
We also thank the members of both the AIFS Human Research and Ethics Committee and the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Research and Ethics Committee.