Luke Gahan

Research Fellow

Defence and Veteran Family Research

Dr Luke Gahan is a member of the Defence and Veteran Family Research team and is currently working on studies exploring Australian military and veteran families. Luke is an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at La Trobe University and has previously been an Associate Editor of the Health Sociology Review Journal and a secretary of the Australian Sociological Association. His previous work has explored separation and divorce, elder abuse, same-sex parent families, LGBTIQ health and wellbeing, religion/faith, and ethnic minority communities, and Intimate Partner Violence. 
Luke has extensive experience in qualitative research including the use of co-design participatory methods. He has lectured and tutored in Sociology at Federation, La Trobe, Swinburne, and Melbourne Universities. 


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Sociology), La Trobe University
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Sociology), Swinburne University of Technology
  • Bachelor of Social Science, Swinburne University of Technology