Selection process for CfC FP evidence-based program profiles

How we select programs

When assessing programs for the Communities for Children Facilitating Partner (CfC FP) program profiles list (The Guidebook), we look for programs that have been tested with high-quality evaluations and are easy to replicate, with training or manuals easily accessible in Australia.

To find the best quality programs available, we review: 

  • international databases and clearinghouses
  • Australian best practice and promising practice guides and assessments.

Assessment criteria

To be classed as evidence based, programs need to:

  • align with the objectives of the Communities for Children Facilitating Partner model
  • target children aged 0 to 12 years and their families.
  • supply documentation outlining their:
    • aims, objectives and a theoretical basis for the program
    • program logic or similar
    • target group
    • elements/activities of the program and why they are important.
  • include a training manual or documentation that allows for replication within Australia.

We evaluate programs based on their:

  • Impact: At least one high-quality evaluation has been conducted that showed positive impacts on the desired outcomes of the program(s), and no negative effects were found. The program must have been evaluated in a cultural setting that is similar to Australia.
  • Design (one or more of):
    • A randomised controlled trial or quasi-experimental design that has a sample size of at least 20 participants in each of the intervention and control groups.
    • High-quality qualitative evaluation that includes at least 20 participants. The quality assessment relies on availability of information about factors such: 
      • selection/inclusion/recruitment processes
      • nature and representativeness of the sample
      • process for administering data collection tools
      • degree of independence from the program developer/implementer.
    • A high-quality combination of the above (mixed methods).

See the evidence-based program profiles.
