Annual report 2017/18
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Australian Institute of Family Studies annual reports describe the research and operations of the Institute, along with highlights for the year.
For annual reports prior to the immediately previous financial year, see the Archived publications section of the website.
For annual reports prior to 2011/12, please contact us. Copies are available from our Library.
2017/18 was also the second year of our Strategic Directions 2016–2020, a journey of transforming how we work at the Institute and with our partners, to ensure that our internal culture, capabilities and systems align with our aspirations to achieve ‘Excellence for Impact’. We have worked hard to consolidate the gains of the first year. A key part of this was to embed knowledge translation capability in our research teams, and to improve collaboration between our teams. Much of our focus in the coming year will build on this foundational work, to ensure our research evidence is useful for policy makers and service deliverers, and ultimately to improve the lives of children, families and communities.
Our progress towards achieving our 2020 strategic goals is deliberate and considered. This report outlines the journey so far.
Featured image: © GettyImages/LSOphoto
1. Director's review
The Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) has had a year of big moves, literally and figuratively. We moved the Institute into new premises, and we organised the 15th biennial AIFS 2018 Conference, a ground-breaking cross-disciplinary event with the theme 'What matters most to families in the 21st century?'.
2017/18 was also the second year of our Strategic Directions 2016-2020, a journey of transforming how we work at the Institute and with our partners, to ensure that our internal culture, capabilities and systems align with our aspirations to achieve 'Excellence for Impact'. We have worked hard to consolidate the gains of the first year. A key part of this was to embed knowledge translation capability in our research teams, and to improve collaboration between our teams. Much of our focus in the coming year will build on this foundational work, to ensure our research evidence is useful for policy makers and service deliverers, and ultimately to improve the lives of children, families and communities.
Our progress towards achieving our 2020 strategic goals is deliberate and considered. This report outlines the journey so far.
Research highlights 2017/18
During the past year we worked on 33 projects, including six new research projects, and continued to extend our expertise and experience to make a significant contribution to practice and policy development in a wide range of family wellbeing areas.
Growing Up in Australia
Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) follows the development of 10,000 children and their families in urban and rural areas of Australia and continues to provide insights into the paths Australian children and their families take through life.
The study addresses a range of questions about child and adolescent development and wellbeing and is conducted as a partnership between us, the Department of Social Services (DSS) and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
Wave 7 fieldwork has been completed, and the data is planned for release in 2018. This release will include a number of exciting new measures, including data from the Child Health CheckPoint, a stand-alone physical health and biospecimen module offered to the B cohort between Waves 6 and 7.
Fieldwork for Wave 8 is well under way, with interviews having begun in June 2017, and being expected to conclude by March/April 2019. The LSAC Annual Statistical Report 2016, which reported on the first six waves of LSAC data, was released in August 2017. The report highlights the effects of the study children's experiences and environments on their prospects and progress as they move into adolescence. It features chapters on several areas of child and adolescent development and wellbeing including career aspirations, employment experiences, alcohol use, caring activities, self-harm and suicidal behaviour, teaching practices in primary school, and family circumstances.
Building a New Life in Australia
Building a New Life in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants (BNLA) is a long-term research project examining how humanitarian migrants settle into a new life in Australia. Close to 2,400 individuals and families living in communities around Australia, who have been granted permanent humanitarian visas, are taking part in the study. In 2017/18, the fifth wave of data for the study was collected. The study has continued to be well-received by participants with very high response rates achieved.
Two journal articles were published based on the BNLA study. The first, published in the Australian Economic Review in August 2017, highlighted the key aspects of the study, provided an overview of data items and measures collected and potential research questions the data can help to answer. The second, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology in October 2017, examined humanitarian migrants' experiences of pre-migration trauma, and their physical and mental health outcomes.
The BNLA team also undertook research that was published in a series of four research summaries released in December 2017 and June 2018. This research described humanitarian migrants' English language proficiency, education and engagement in employment, and how these outcomes changed over time. Findings about risk of psychological distress, housing outcomes, and settlement outcomes of humanitarian youth were also published.
The first three waves of data from the BNLA study are available to approved researchers from government, academic institutions and non-profit organisations
Ten to Men
Ten to Men, also known as the Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health, is the first national longitudinal study in Australia focusing exclusively on male health and wellbeing. The study aims to fill the gaps in knowledge about male health and wellbeing across the life course and contribute to the development of health programs and policies targeted to the special health needs of men and boys.
Ten to Men was commissioned by the Australian Government following the 2010 release of the National Male Health Policy. The study began in 2012 when health and lifestyle information was collected from nearly 16,000 men and boys across the country via surveys and interviews. The study is longitudinal - meaning that we will return to participants every few years for an update so we can understand how changing life stages and circumstances might affect health and wellbeing over time.
Ten to Men is funded by the Department of Health (DoH). The first two waves of the study were conducted by the University of Melbourne.
We will oversee the study from 2018, including the third wave of data collection.
Australian Gambling Research Centre
Globally, gambling has expanded at a rapid pace, and related harms are an increasing concern. The Australian Gambling Research Centre (AGRC) seeks to perform policy-relevant research that enhances understanding of the nature and extent of gambling participation and related harms, and advances knowledge of ways to prevent and reduce harm among at-risk populations, their families and communities. In the past year, the AGRC conducted several significant research projects that helped to inform policy makers, researchers and professionals working in the sector. These included:
- Weighing up the odds: Sports betting is a form of gambling that is receiving increasing attention from policy makers, the media, the public and researchers alike. This project aimed to improve understanding of the gambling attitudes, motivations and behaviours of young men (aged 18-35 years) who regularly participate in or view sports that involve exposure to gambling. Findings suggest that sports betting has become normalised among this population of young men, often facilitated by widespread wagering marketing, offers of promotions and other inducements, 24-hour online access to betting, and informal and formal peer-betting networks.
- Gambling activity in Australia: This research provided an overview of gambling activity in Australia in 2015, with respect to participation, expenditure and problems among regular gamblers. The findings are based on data from Wave 15 of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey. The participation statistics include estimates of the proportion and number of Australians who spent money (in a typical month) on 10 common gambling activities, including: lotteries, instant scratch tickets, electronic gaming machines, race betting, sports betting, keno, casino table games, bingo, private betting and poker.
- Betting restrictions and online wagering in Australia: Despite its relatively small population, Australia is estimated to account for 5% of the global interactive, or online, gambling market and has seen a seven-fold growth in the licensed onshore wagering market over the past 10 years. This study sought to identify what is currently known about the occurrence of restrictions in Australian licensed online wagering operators, and the impact of these on consumers' behaviour.
Child Family Community Australia
The Child Family Community Australia (CFCA) information exchange, funded by the DSS, provides evidence-based resources, publications and support for professionals working in the child, family and community welfare sector.
In 2017/18, CFCA increased user engagement with its website with over 3.1 million page views. Over 12,000 subscribers receive the fortnightly CFCA News; a 47.5% increase on June 2017. CFCA produced 23 publications this financial year, and the regular webinar program attracted large numbers of attendees per session (over 8,000 participants in total; a 78% increase on June 2017) - playing a significant role in professional development for the sector.
User feedback indicates that CFCA content is useful in ways that relate to CFCA impact measures, including increased use of evidence in policy and practice, and increased knowledge of the latest research.
Families and Children Expert Panel
The key aim of the Expert Panel project is to work with service providers funded under the DSS' Families and Children Activity to build capacity and improve the quality of their programs, in order to better support the families and children accessing those services. This includes providing advice, resources and support to build service providers' capacity to plan, implement and evaluate programs, adopt evidence-based programs when appropriate and relevant to clients' needs, and/or strengthen existing programs.
In 2017/18, the funding arrangements for this project were altered, and the emphasis of project activities was broadened to include other sub-activities under the Families and Children Activity program area.
Activities in 2017/18 included:
- continuing to work with Communities for Children service providers to assess over 130 programs in relation to the evidence-based criteria
- providing direct support to Families and Children (FaC) service providers in relation to program planning activities
- the redevelopment of website content to better integrate Expert Panel, Communities for Children Facilitating Partners (CfC FP) and CFCA content for the benefit of users
- undertaking an open tender process to re-establish the Industry List and continued support for ongoing projects
- hosting a CfC FP National Forum in October 2017
- designing and delivering a series of national workshops for Children and Parenting Services and Family and Relationships Services on evaluation and outcomes measurement
- collecting data and analysing data for the evaluation of the overall project.
Family law research
Significant research achievements have been made in the area of Family Law and Family Violence this financial year. These achievements include the completion of the Children and Young People in Separated Families study published on 14 June 2018 which provides a unique insight into young people's experiences of family law system services and the extent to which these services meet their needs, directly from children and young people themselves. Research was released on 28 June 2018 on the extent to which direct cross-examination was a feature of matters involving self-represented litigants in families characterised by alleged or substantiated family violence. And also the factual and legal context characterising these matters.
AIFS also continues its important research in the area of elder abuse, as the lead researcher organisation in the Elder Abuse National Research - Strengthening the Evidence Base - Stage 1. This research program comprises three components, with the first developing an Australian definition of abuse of older people for application in research; the second involving the development and testing of instruments to measure the abuse of older people in Australia and the third component primarily involving the analysis of existing datasets and the development of a data analysis plan.
Communicating our research
We have worked hard to establish the gains of the first year of our Strategic Directions 2016-2020, greatly improving communicating our research findings to a wide range of audiences, including policy makers, practitioners and other researchers.
This is a key AIFS function. We do this through our publications, through our information exchange services, such as CFCA, by researchers presenting at conferences and events and in our online webinars. The Institute's research is widely reported in the media and promoted through our websites and social media.
The Institute increases its public engagement by hosting its conference and other events. During the 2017/18 financial year, significant planning was undertaken for the 15th biennial AIFS 2018 Conference, held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from Wednesday 25 July to Friday 27 July 2018. Headlining the conference program were keynote speakers Nora Spinks (Vanier Institute of the Family, Canada), Professor Brigid Featherstone (University of Huddersfield), Professor Helen Rhoades (Australia Law Reform Commission) and Dr David Halpern (Behavioural Insights Team, UK). The conference also featured 211 oral presentations, 41 poster presentations and three plenary panel sessions.
Another key event for us this year was the release of the 100th issue of Family Matters. It was the last issue in print and was launched at our new Southbank office by the Assistant Minister for Children and Families, the Honourable Dr David Gillespie MP.
CFCA's webinar program, as mentioned earlier, attracted over 8,000 participants. This program is a great proponent of AIFS' position as a research organisation into family wellbeing.
An era almost as long as AIFS itself came to an end this financial year as our flagship journal Family Matters ceased print publication with the 100th issue, published in May. All future issues of Family Matters will be made free and accessible online.
We continued to publish outstanding research into Australian families, with 71 project reports and papers produced, and over 3.3 million publications viewed or downloaded from our websites. We also produced a host of short articles, news pieces, infographics, fact sheets and practice resources. In the past year, publishing highlights include authoritative reports on empowering migrant and refugee women, stay-at-home fathers, a survey of foster and relative/kinship carers, children and young people in separated families, challenging misconceptions about sexual offending, low income and childhood poverty dynamics, and the association between family, neighbourhood and school level disadvantage and children's cognitive and social outcomes.
Governance, performance and risk management
In the 2017/18 financial year, AIFS operated with $4,683,000 of government appropriation and $8,286,583 of other revenue (primarily from contracted research), as detailed in Chapter 5: Financial statements. The Institute incurred a budget deficit for the financial year 2017/18 of $343,462. This deficit is primarily due to the depreciation expense for 2017/18 of $623,453. After adjusting for this item, AIFS reported a surplus of $279,991.
Organisational culture and staff engagement
Over the past two years we have worked on transforming the culture of the Institute, for example, through the development and implementation of the AIFS Values, co-design of the new premises with staff, investment in building the capabilities of our managers, and introducing new ways of listening to staff and promoting staff wellbeing. The 2018 APS Staff Survey results for AIFS have revealed significant improvement compared to previous surveys. AIFS is now in the 'top 10' APS organisations for wellbeing, engagement and innovation.
Outlook for 2018/19
The new year commenced with our 15th biennial AIFS conference in July. We had 650 participants from across Australia and the UK, New Zealand, Singapore, Canada and the USA. This was a 40% increase compared to 2016. The focus was 'What matters most to families in the 21st century?', and the feedback on professional and personal impact has been outstanding.
As a key platform for exploring how we can tackle complex social problems by linking research with policy and practice, the AIFS Conference is central to our knowledge translation capability strategy which we will continue to implement in 2018/19.
Our priorities in 2018/19 include:
- implementing a national strategic research agenda
- adapting our communication platforms to ensure our research is discoverable and accessible
- embedding knowledge translation capability at the whole-of-organisation level
- strengthening our capability, systems and practices to accurately plan, monitor and deliver our work
- designing improved methods to communicate and measure our impact.
We will continue to experiment, learn and adapt, to innovate and build on the research excellence for which we are highly regarded. We will advance our capabilities and our partnerships to ensure that our research evidence is useful for those who need it, in particular policy makers, service providers and the Australian public
The achievements of the past year have demonstrated the commitment of our staff to AIFS' values and behaviours. I would like to acknowledge their talent and dedication to delivering our excellent results this year. We have opened many new doors of opportunity to deliver on the potential of our research and this brings enormous excitement for the year ahead.
AIFS is well positioned to take the next confident steps towards achieving our goals and delivering impact for the benefit of families across Australia.

Anne Hollonds
Director, Australian Institute of Family Studies
12 September 2018
2. Agency overview
AIFS is a Melbourne-based statutory agency of the Australian Government, established in February 1980 under the Australian Family Law Act 1975.
A non-corporate entity, AIFS is a portfolio body, within the Department of Social Services (DSS). We also have close links with the Attorney-General's Department (AGD), the Department of Education and Training (DET), the Department of Human Services (DHS), the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Department of Defence, the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA), the Department of Health and other Australian Government portfolios, their departments and agencies. Our staff are employed under the Public Service Act 1999. At 30 June 2018, 87 people were employed at the Institute, excluding the Director.
Role and functions
We aim to increase understanding of factors affecting how Australian families function by conducting research and communicating findings to policy makers, service providers, researchers and the broader community. We evaluate policies and programs, and we provide advice to inform the design and implementation of policy and services.
AIFS Agency Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21 unveiled the What Works for Families Research Framework (Families Framework) that guides our research agenda, including commissioned projects. The Framework outlines four key research areas:
- Life stages and transitions
- Family relationships
- Social and economic participation
- Challenges for families.
We communicate our research findings to make evidence accessible and useful for decision makers, practitioners and the general public. We do this through our research publications, conferences, websites, information exchanges, information services, presentations, seminars and webinars, representation and through mass media.
The AIFS Agency Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21 outlines our roles and functions for this annual reporting period. The four strategic priorities outlined in the plan are:
- Create knowledge
- Communicate for impact
- Collaborate and connect
- Activate organisational sustainability.
Organisational structure
The Director is responsible for providing the overall leadership of the Institute and is supported by two Deputy Directors - Deputy Director (Research) and Deputy Director (Corporate Services). This group works together to lead a team of managers responsible for the day-to-day work of AIFS in meeting our strategic objectives (see Figure 2.1).
The Deputy Director (Research) is responsible for our research program, which includes a wide range of research, evaluation and dissemination projects focusing on policy-and practice-relevant issues affecting families in Australia.
The Deputy Director (Corporate Services) is responsible for the management of services to support our research activities, including human, financial and physical resources, information management and communications technology, communication services and corporate governance.
Research managers oversee teams of research staff who work on a range of commissioned and internally initiated projects. During the reporting period this included two information exchanges - the Australian Gambling Research Centre and the Child Family Community Australia information exchange - and five longitudinal studies.
The Corporate Services area supports our research activities by providing administrative and specialist functions such as library, publishing, finance, information management and technology, communications, human resources and business capability services.
Figure 2.1: AIFS organisational structure as at 30 June 2018

Outcome and program structure
In this reporting period, we operated within the Australian Government's outcome and output framework published in the Portfolio Budget Statements 2017-18 (PBS) and the AIFS Agency Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21. The Institute has a single planned outcome:
Outcome 1 - Increased understanding of factors affecting how families function by conducting research and communicating findings to policy makers, service providers and the broader community.
All our activities have been directed to achieving this outcome. Key performance criteria, detailed in Chapter 3: Report on performance, measure the Institute's core outputs and deliverables. The Institute's management accountability performance is described in Chapter 4: Management and accountability, and its finances in Chapter 5: Financial statements.
3. Report on performance
Performance statement
We have a single planned outcome:
Increased understanding of factors affecting how families function by conducting research and communicating findings to policy makers, service providers and the broader community.
To achieve this outcome, we:
- conduct high-quality research relevant to policy and practice on a broad range of issues regarding the wellbeing of Australian families
- through collaborative partnerships, expand the national knowledge base of factors affecting families
- increase the effectiveness of communications to foster greater understanding about factors that affect families
- build organisational capacity to achieve research and communication objectives.
In reviewing our 2017/18 performance results, our client and stakeholder satisfaction rates remained high, which demonstrates AIFS' commitment to focusing on customer needs and building strong working relationships.
We also operated within a continuing environment of fiscal restraint in this reporting period. This has primarily affected the ability of other organisations to initiate and fund new projects, which in turn resulted in a decrease in research outputs - see Table 3.1 for performance criteria. Despite these constraints, most of the indicators that were less affected by funding constraints exceeded their targets, demonstrating that we continue to perform at a high level and achieve our stated outcome.
Research domains
Our research program during the reporting period was structured around our Families Framework established under the AIFS Agency Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21. The Framework outlines four key research areas:
- Life stages and transitions
- Family relationships
- Social and economic participation
- Challenges for families.
Research activities are either initiated by us or commissioned by another organisation. Institute-initiated research is funded from the budget appropriation.
Research projects conducted by us range in scale and type, and include:
- research projects that provide evidence relating to social policy issues
- major evaluations and reviews of government policies and programs
- longitudinal studies that provide valuable data on children and their families
- specialist advisory services commissioned by government agencies
- information exchanges that identify, collect, evaluate and synthesise research resources about a specialist field and communicate that information to policy and practice professionals.
In addition, we promote research collaboration by sharing data nationally and internationally and making presentations at a wide range of local and overseas conferences and other meetings (see Appendix C, for details).
We communicate our research through a variety of channels including information exchange activities, publications, conferences, seminars and webinars, podcasts, web-based content, and library help desk and bibliographic services. These communication activities deliver research findings to three broad groups:
- policy makers, to inform the development and review of policies and programs affecting families
- service providers, to improve professional practice that supports families
- the research and general communities, to raise understanding and knowledge of family functioning.
Performance criteria
The report on our performance criteria for 2017/18 (Table 3.1) is divided into the four strategic directions outlined in the AIFS Agency Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21:
- Create knowledge
- Communicate for impact
- Collaborate and connect
- Activate organisational sustainability.
Criteria | Actual 2016/17 | Target 2017/18 | Actual 2017/18 | Forward estimate 2018/19 |
Create knowledge | ||||
Number of bodies commissioning work by AIFS | 20 | 20 | 18 | 22 |
Number of research projects at AIFS | 51 | 45 | 36 | 47 |
Number of longitudinal studies at AIFS | 4 | 6 | 5 | 5 |
Communicate for impact | ||||
Number of publications disseminated or downloaded from AIFS website | 3.03m | 3.2m | 3.3m | 3.2m |
Total media mentions of AIFS research | 5,553 | 5,000 | 5,185 | 7,500 |
Number of publications released by AIFS | 71 | 100 | 71 | 80 |
Number of presentations given by AIFS staff | 105 | 100 | 62 | 120 |
Number of bibliographic records generated at AIFS | 1,820 | 2,200 | 1,782 | 2,300 |
Collaborate and connect | ||||
Total attendance at AIFS conferences, webinars and forums | 4,961 | 3,000 | 5,688 | 3,500 |
Number of partnerships, MOUs and collaborations in place | 28* | 30 | 27 | 32 |
Numbers of conferences, seminars and forums hosted | 16 | 18 | 13 | 20 |
Government submissions | 7 | 7 | 0 | 8 |
Activate organisational sustainability | ||||
Percentage of research staff with postgraduate qualifications | 64.8% | 60% | 63.5% | 65% |
Reduction in operational costs | 6.3% | 5% | 5.4% | 5% |
Percentage of clients satisfied with AIFS' services | 100.0% | 85% | 78% | 85% |
Percentage of stakeholders satisfied with AIFS' services | 91.5% | 85% | 93.5% | 85% |
Note: *This figure relates to the total number of partnerships, MOUs and collaborations in place throughout 2017/18.
Analysis of performance
Create knowledge
Performance criteria
The number of commissioning bodies is indicative of the spread of research undertaken at the Institute. The measure also highlights that we are not reliant on a single source of income. In 2017/18, we were commissioned by 18 organisations to undertake research projects, which was slightly below the target of 20.
In 2017/18, 33 research projects were active at some stage during the reporting period, which was below the performance target. This was mainly due to our decision to seek to undertake larger scale projects that can continue for several years in place of a larger number of small projects. Smaller research projects and scoping studies were not the priority this year.
We were involved in five longitudinal studies during the reporting period:
- Australian Temperament Project
- Beyond 18: The Longitudinal Study of Leaving Care
- Building a New Life in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants
- Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
- Ten to Men: The Australian Longitudinal Study of Male Health.
The number of longitudinal studies has been included as a performance measure because these studies are useful for analysing trends the changing nature of families over time. The nature of such studies requires a longer-term commitment of resources by funding and partner bodies, often over a number of years. In 2017/18, within a fiscally constrained environment, the number of longitudinal studies is slightly below target.
Table 3.2 highlights progress against our objectives and actions for Pillar 1 of our strategic directions relating to creating knowledge in our Agency Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21.
Pillar 1: Create Knowledge | Status |
Implement a national strategic research agenda | |
Implement Families Framework | Framework implemented across the Institute in 2017/18. It has been used for decisions around key projects, dialogues with stakeholders and to explore new ways of structuring our web resources. |
Implement Data Linkage Integration Business Strategy | A draft strategy was developed in the reporting period. The strategy is currently being reviewed in light of new developments in the data linkage space through the National Data Commissioner and the associated data legislation. |
Implement research roadmap | The research roadmap and implementation strategy were developed in the reporting period. In 2018/19, consultations with both internal and external stakeholders will be undertaken to review the roadmap. |
Maintain high quality research and management standards | |
Maintain content governance processes | Phase 1 - 2017/18: Draft and consult on updated governance process for research publishing. Completed. Phase 2 - 2018/19: Implement content governance process for research publishing. Develop website content lifecycle plan. To be commenced. |
Strengthen project, contract and client management capabilities | In the reporting period, client management capabilities were enhanced through training to managers. Contract management improvements were on the cusp of being achieved through an improved Financial Management Information System provided through a shared services hub, preparations for which occupied the entire year. Improvements in project management capabilities progressed more slowly than expected due to changing of key personnel and other priorities. |
Communicate for impact
Performance criteria
The number of AIFS publications printed and downloaded indicates the uptake of our published findings. In 2017/18, the 3.3 million publications distributed was well above the target. A complete list of our research outputs and publications for 2017/18 is available in Appendix C.
The number of media mentions highlights our commitment to communicating our research to a wider audience and our mentions were higher than the target for 2017/18. The 5,185 media mentions were 3.7% above the 2016/17 target. The coverage from online, print, television and radio media outlets provides a valuable channel to disseminate research and key messages about Australian families.
We produced 71 research products in 2017/18, which was again below the target but consistent with the previous year. The lower than predicted output can mainly be attributed to the analysis of larger research projects as well as only releasing one edition of Family Matters for the year. Outputs for the year include both our published materials as well as external publications based on our research. We published six research reports, four commissioned reports and one issue of Family Matters.
Our staff made 62 presentations in this reporting period, which was below the target. This was mainly because results from several research projects had not been finalised in the financial year and therefore opportunities to present findings were not prioritised. The AIFS Conference, which is one of the key events for AIFS researchers to present findings also did not take place in this financial year which is another reason for the lower number of presentations.
Bibliographic records provide a description of material related to family studies that have been published by AIFS or others, and help to provide a valuable reference resource for researchers in this field. The 1,782 records generated in the reporting period was below the target, mainly due to the Institute's library team downsizing their operation.
Table 3.3 highlights progress against our objectives and actions for Pillar 2 of our strategic directions, relating to communicating for impact in our Agency Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21.
Pillar 2: Communicate for impact | Status |
Communication platforms ensure research is discoverable and accessible | |
Undertake audience research | Audience research has not yet started. It is now scheduled for 2018/19. Resources dedicated to other strategic priorities, such as the 2018 AIFS Conference and communications to support organisational transformation activities. |
Develop content strategy for key audience | Planning began in 2017/18, expected to be completed in next reporting period. Resources dedicated to other strategic priorities, such as the 2018 AIFS Conference and communications to support organisational transformation activities. |
Conduct website audit | Preparatory work for the website audit commenced in 2017/18, and is due for completion in 2018/19. |
Develop media strategy | Completed. |
Embed knowledge translation (KT) capability at whole-of-organisation level | |
Translate KT strategy into operational framework and processes | A strategy was drafted in the reporting period. Further work is needed to refine measurements for impact. The full strategy is due for completion in 2018/19. |
Build researchers' KT capability | A series of workforce development sessions were conducted in the reporting period. A KT planning template is under development and will be trialled in 2018/2019. |
Collaborate and connect
Performance criteria
The 5,688 participants that attended our events throughout the year were substantially higher (89.6%) than the target of 3,000 participants. This is mainly due to the increased popularity of online webinars conducted by the CFCA information exchange. Appendix C provides a complete list of these events.
The number of conferences, seminars and other events hosted by us was lower than forecast, with the Institute hosting 13 events. The lower number of events was mainly due to a decrease in the number of face-to-face seminars held at AIFS.
Partnerships, MOUs and collaborations enable us to widen the scope of our research capabilities, which further helps to reach our yearly research and dissemination goals. We had 27 partnerships, MOUs and collaborations in place during the reporting period, which was slightly below the target.
The number of conferences, seminars and other events hosted by us was lower than forecast, with the Institute hosting 11 events. The lower number of events was mainly due to a decrease in the number of face-to-face seminars held at AIFS.
Government submissions are a performance measure as they are an important avenue for highlighting our latest research and for informing government policy. In 2017/18, however, there were no parliamentary inquiries relevant to our research expertise and therefore no submissions were prepared.
Table 3.4 highlights progress against our objectives and actions for Pillar 3 of our strategic directions relating to collaboration in our Agency Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21.
Pillar 3: Collaborate and connect | Status |
Build AIFS knowledge brokerage profile and activity | |
Develop and implement thought leadership strategy | A thought leadership strategy is yet to begin, as planning of the AIFS 2018 Conference was the main priority in the reporting period. The 2018 AIFS Conference was an opportunity to test the shift into a thought leadership approach around contemporary issues in family research and policy. This will provide valuable learnings for the development of the thought leadership strategy in 2018/19. |
Develop and implement events strategy | A strategy was not finalised in the reporting period as work for the AIFS 2018 Conference was the key focus of the events strategy in 2017/18. |
Plan 2018 AIFS Conference | A significant amount of work was completed in the reporting period in planning the conference, which was held in the 2018/19 reporting period. |
Activate organisational sustainability
Performance criteria
An indication of our capability and readiness to undertake high-quality research is the proportion of researchers with postgraduate qualifications. In 2017/18, 63.5% of our staff held postgraduate qualifications, which is higher than the target of 60%.
The reduction in operational costs is a measure to determine whether we are delivering services efficiently. In 2017/18, we achieved a 5.4% reduction in our corporate operational cost by decreasing expenditure from $6.253 million in 2016/17 to $5.916 million in 2017/18.
The percentage of clients satisfied with our services is a quality measure that determines our effectiveness in working with external clients to deliver projects that are fit for purpose and within agreed time frames. In surveying clients about their satisfaction with AIFS' management of research projects, 78% were satisfied with the service we provided. This is slightly below the forecast but still a positive result.
The percentage of stakeholders satisfied with our services is also another important new measure that helps to demonstrate whether we have delivered products and services that meet the needs of our users. We surveyed subscribers to AIFS News and, of the 153 respondents, 93.5% indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with usefulness of our services, which again was above forecast.
Table 3.5 highlights progress against our objectives and actions for Pillar 4 of our strategic directions relating to activation in our Agency Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21.
Pillar 4: Activate organisational sustainability | Status |
Strengthen capability, systems and practices to accurately plan, monitor and deliver our work | |
Reform processes and practices | In 2017/18, we undertook all the preparatory work (including reforming some processes) for moving to a shared services hub for finance and payroll in order to go live on or soon after 1 July 2018. Further reforms to internal processes and practices will follow in the coming year. We also co-designed with staff, values for the Institute and then used these values and the co-design process to inform the design of the fit-out for our new premises. |
Develop human resources strategy | Human Resources Strategies in 2017/18 focused on building workforce capability and developing a positive workplace culture through leadership, staff engagement and effective change management. |
Embed strategic business development function | Trialling and then mapping the processes around the business development function over the past year, has provided significant insight on what works well within the Institute and will now be codified and refined. A review of the function in 2018/19 will inform next process and practice improvements. |
Performance against AIFS research directions
This section reviews the major projects undertaken by AIFS during the reporting period, within the framework of our Families Framework research areas.
The majority of our research projects relate to more than one research area. A summary of the projects is provided in Table 3.6.
A full list of publications and presentations produced by us during the reporting period is included in Appendix C.
More details about major work being conducted by the Institute are available on the AIFS website.
Project title | Duration | Project funder (partner) | Families Framework Research Areas | |||
Family relationships | Social & economic participation | Life stages & transitions | Challenges for families | |||
Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC): Waves 5-9 project management and data collection services variation 12 | 2009-2022 | DSS/ABS | X | X | X | X |
Child Family Community Australia (CFCA) information exchange | 2011-2019 | DSS | X | X | X | X |
Beyond 18: Longitudinal Study on Leaving Care | 2012-2018 | DHHS | X | X | X | X |
Building a New Life in Australia (BNLA): A Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants - data collection and management services | 2012-2018 | DSS | X | X | X | X |
Defence Transition Family Study (DTFS): Quantitative component | 2014-2018 | DVA | X | X | X | X |
Families and Children Expert Panel | 2014-2019 | DSS | X | X | X | |
Children and Families Secretaries (CAFS): Scoping of dive data sharing projects - phase 1 | 2015-2099 (contract has no end date) | DSS | X | |||
Weighing up the odds: Grants for gambling research | 2015-2018 | VRGF | X | X | ||
Children and Young People in Separated Families: Family law system experiences and needs | 2016-2018 | AGD | X | X | X | |
Family Wellbeing Study: Transition and Wellbeing Research Program - qualitative component | 2016-2018 | DVA | X | X | X | X |
Wagering marketing on vulnerable adults | 2016-2018 | CQU | X | X | X | |
Playgroup programs: Development of an evaluation tool and methodology | 2016-2017 | DSS | X | X | ||
National gambling trends monitoring system for Australia: Scoping study | 2016-2017 | DSS | X | X | ||
VRGF Preventing Gambling-Related Harm Study: provision of services to Monash University | 2016-2017 | Monash University | X | X | ||
Young people with sexually abusive behaviours: Perpetrator Interventions Research Agreement 2016 | 2017-2019 | ANROWS | X | X | ||
DVA Coordinated Client Support program (CCS) | 2017-2018 | SPRC UNSW | X | X | X | X |
Census of workforces that intersect with family violence | 2016-2018 | KPMG | X | |||
Family and Relationship Services (FaRS) and Specialised Family Violence Services (SFVS) Surveys | 2017-2018 | DSS | X | X | X | X |
Women's Safety Package: Local support coordinator evaluation | 2017-2019 | DSS | X | |||
Direct cross-examination in family law: Research | 2017-2018 | AGD | X | X | ||
Data exchange: Client survey | 2017 | DSS | X | X | X | |
Child Mental Health Workforce Support Initiative (COPMI): Emerging Minds Evaluation | 2017-2019 | DoH | X | X | X | |
'Ten to Men': Australian Longitudinal Study of Male Health | 2017-2021 | DoH | X | X | X | X |
Elder Abuse National Research: Strengthening the evidence base - stage 1 | 2017-2018 | AGD | X | X | X | |
Partners of Vietnam Veterans: Further analysis of the Vietnam Veterans Family Study | 2018 | DVA | X | X | X | |
Stronger Outcomes for Families Reform: Evaluation model | 2018 | DSS | X | X | X | X |
Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC): Production of a technical paper | 2018 | QFCC | X | X | ||
Child Care Package Evaluation 2018 | 2017-2021 | DET | X | X | ||
Australian Gambling Research Centre | Ongoing | Appropriation | X | X | X | |
Data Linkage Integration Authority | Ongoing | Appropriation | X | X | X | X |
Family Law Research | Ongoing | Appropriation | X | X | ||
Sexual Violence Research | Ongoing | Appropriation | X | |||
Work and Family Interactions | Ongoing | Appropriation | X | X | X | X |
ABS: Australian Bureau of Statistics
AGD: Attorney-General's Department
ANROWS: Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety
CQU: Central Queensland University
DET: Department of Education and Training
DHHS: Victorian Department of Health and Human Services
DoH: Department of Health
DSS: Department of Social Services
DVA: Department of Veterans' Affairs
KPMG: Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler
QFCC: Queensland Family and Child Commission
SPRC UNSW: Social Policy Research Centre at the University of New South Wales
VRGF: Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation.
Research highlights
Children and Young People in Separated Families
Commissioned by the Australian Government, Attorney-General's Department, the Children and Young People in Separated Families project sought to build on the existing research about separated families.
The study was aimed at better understanding the experiences of children and young people after the separation of their parents, and the extent to which their needs are met by the family law system services. This research addressed a significant gap in knowledge about family law system services on the basis of data from children and young people themselves.
The project involved in-depth, semi-structured individual interviews with children and young people aged 10 to 17 years of age, together with a short separate interview with a parent of the child or young person. The interviews covered issues including: the important issues from children/young people's perspectives when parenting arrangements are being made after separation; what children and young people find to be of assistance in the process; and the nature of their experience of the various family law system services (including courts/family dispute resolution (child inclusive and non-child inclusive)). The study also examined the characteristics of effective professional practice from the perspective of children and young people. The final report was released on 14 June 2018 and explored the issues of importance to children and young people in the post-separation context. The report highlights the importance of listening to, and supporting children and young people through, their parents' separation and provides insight into the features of effective professional practice from their perspectives.
Child Care Package Evaluation
In December 2017 we were commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training to lead a consortium of researchers to evaluate the Child Care Package introduced on 2 July 2018.
In collaboration with AIFS, the consortium partners include the Centre for Social Research and Methods (CSRM) at the Australian National University (ANU); the Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) at UNSW Australia; and the Social Research Centre (SRC). Central to the Child Care Package is the Child Care Subsidy, replacing the Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate. This payment, paid directly to services, is based on family income, an activity test and the type of child care used. Other elements of the package are the Additional Child Care Subsidy, Community Child Care Fund, In Home Care program and Inclusion Support Programme.
The evaluation will cover these different elements to report on the effect of the overall child care package against a number of outcomes and impacts, as described in the Evaluation Framework. In addition, the evaluation project team is supporting the DET's Post-Implementation Reviews (PIRs). The evaluation involves a mixed methods approach, and draws on the perspectives of families, services and other stakeholders, through interviews, surveys and analyses of administrative data. The evaluation will continue until December 2021.
Weighing up the odds
Weighing up the odds aimed to improve understanding of the gambling attitudes, motivations and behaviours of young men (aged 18-35 years) who regularly participate in or view sports involving exposure to gambling.
The project was funded by the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation and involved qualitative interviews with young men, parents and sports administrators/coaches (n = 35), an online survey of young men (n = 335), and a forum for key stakeholders to raise awareness of young men's sports betting behaviours and provide an opportunity for discussion about appropriate research and policy responses.
Findings from the study suggest that sports betting has become normalised among this population of young men, often facilitated by widespread wagering marketing, offers of promotions and other inducements, 24-hour online access to betting, and informal and formal peer-betting networks. Participants commonly reported having multiple online betting accounts, betting on a range of different national and international sports and betting regularly. Many participants planned their betting in advance but unplanned betting was also reported to be common, especially when alcohol had been consumed. While most identified strategies for trying to control the amount of money or time they spent betting on sports, negative impacts on health and wellbeing related to sports betting were also reported.
Our findings have contributed to the evidence base that will guide further research, policy and targeted public health initiatives.
Direct cross-examination
Direct cross-examination in family law matters was commissioned by the Australian Government's Attorney-General's Department to examine the extent of direct cross-examination in family law matters involving self-represented litigants and alleged or substantiated family violence.
The project involved an analysis of court files (including transcripts and audio of proceedings) from the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia, together with an analysis of relevant unreported judgements of the Family Court of Western Australia. The project intended to form an evidence base in response to proposed amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 aimed to ensure that victims of family violence were not put in a position where they had to personally cross-examine or be cross-examined by the alleged perpetrator.
The final report was released on 28 June 2018 and highlighted that direct cross-examination remains a widespread practice in matters involving self-represented litigants and alleged or substantiated family violence. The report also provided insight into the range of arrangements made by courts to accommodate and manage direct cross-examination, including the presence of safeguards.
Report on performance - Financial activities
Operating results
In accordance with the Australian Government net cash appropriation arrangements, AIFS incurred a deficit for the financial year 2017/18 of $343,462. This deficit is primarily due to the depreciation expense for 2017/18 of $623,453. After adjusting for this item, AIFS would have reported a surplus of $279,991.
See Table 3.7, for a summary of budgeted and actual expenses for 2017/18.
Operating revenue
The total operating revenue was $12,969,583 and consisted of the following:
- government appropriations of $4,683,000
- sale of goods and rendering of services of $8,202,350
- other revenue of $84,233.
Operating expenses
Total operating expenses were $13,313,045 and consisted of:
- employee costs of $8,383,158
- supplier expenses of $4,280,213
- depreciation and amortisation of $623,453
- loss on sale of assets of $26,221.
Outcome 1: Increased understanding of factors affecting how families function by conducting research and communicating findings to policy makers, service providers, and the broader community | Budget 2017/18 $'000 | Actual 2017/18 $'000 | Variation (column 2 - column 1) ($'000) | Budget 2018/19 ($'000) |
Program 1.1: Australian Institute of Family Studies | ||||
Departmental expenses | ||||
Departmental appropriation | 12,191 | 12,690 | 499 | 14,740 |
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year | 534 | 623 | 89 | 347 |
Total for Program 1.1 | 12,725 | 13,313 | 588 | 15,087 |
Outcome 1 totals by appropriation type | ||||
Departmental expenses | ||||
Departmental appropriation | 12,191 | 12,690 | 499 | 14,740 |
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year | 534 | 623 | 89 | 347 |
Total expenses for Outcome 1 | 12,725 | 13,313 | 588 | 15,087 |
2017/18 | 2017/18 | 2017/18 | 2018/19 | |
Average staffing level1 | 82 | 74 | (8) | 82 |
1. The headcount and average staffing level are not the same measure. The headcount is the total number of employees at 30 June 2018. The average staffing level is an average over the financial year.
Balance sheet
Net asset position
The net asset position at 30 June 2018 was $2,389,115 (2017: $1,635,577).
Total assets
Total assets at 30 June 2018 were $11,131,457 (2017: $6,004,232). Financial assets increased by $3,367,102. This increase in financial assets was mainly due to an increase in the amount of Section 74 receipts received at the end of June 2018. Non-financial assets increased by $1,760,123. The increase in non-financial assets is mainly due to purchase of capital assets including fit-out as a result of the move to new premises and an increase in prepayments.
Total liabilities
Total liabilities at 30 June 2018 were $8,742,342 (2017: $4,368,655). The increase is mainly due to a higher level of unearned revenue of $3,179,188, increases in employee provisions of $153,057 and in payables of $801,442.
4. Management and accountability
Management accountability is achieved with the support of the Corporate Services area of the Institute.
Corporate Services provides a range of functions to assist us to meet our goals, through the ongoing improvement and application of financial, administrative, human resources, communications and information management and technology policies and practices.
Accountability is met through our internal management committee, advisory and governance committees, staff and management committees, including the Senior Leadership Group, robust reporting processes, internal and external audits, the Business Continuity Plan and policies and guidelines under the Protective Security Policy Framework.
Corporate governance
We operate under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act). The corporate focus throughout 2017/18 was the effective maintenance of high standards of governance, accountability and reporting in order to fulfil all PGPA requirements and build organisational capacity to achieve our research and communication objectives. This corporate oversight is conducted through senior management committees (detailed below).
The Family Law Act 1975 sets out our role, functions and governance arrangements. During 2017/18, the responsible minister for AIFS was the Hon. Christian Porter MP (until 20 December 2017) and the Hon. Dan Tehan.
Fraud control
During the financial year 2017/18, no fraud was identified. The next fraud risk assessment is scheduled to be conducted in 2018/19.
Annual Report 2017/18 Fraud Control Certification
In accordance with section 10 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014, I, Anne Hollonds, Director, Australian Institute of Family Studies, hereby certify that I am satisfied that the Institute has:
- undertaken a fraud risk assessment and updated the fraud control plan
- put in place appropriate fraud prevention, detection, investigation, and reporting mechanisms that meet the specific needs of the Institute
- taken all reasonable measures to appropriately deal with fraud relating to the Institute.
Anne Hollonds,
Director, Australian Institute of Family Studies
12 September 2018
Senior executive members
Ms Anne Hollonds is the Director of the Institute reporting to the Minister for Social Services. Two Deputy Directors assist the Director in leading and managing AIFS. Dr Michael Alexander has been the Deputy Director (Corporate Services) since January 2016. Ms Kelly Hand has been the Deputy Director (Research) since February 2017.
Senior management groups
The Director has overall responsibility for the leadership and management of the Institute. A number of groups are in place to support this function.
Executive Group
The Executive group leads and coordinates all aspects of the research and corporate functions of the Institute. It comprises the Director and the two Deputy Directors.
Senior Leadership Group
The Senior Leadership Group comprises the Executive and Senior Managers from the corporate and research areas. The group is a strategic leadership forum providing advice to the Director and Deputy Directors.
Governance committees and advisory groups
We support sound management of our accountability and ethical and legislative responsibilities through the Risk Assessment and Audit Committee, and the Human Research Ethics Committee. We also have numerous research advisory groups providing advice on the research projects.
Risk Assessment and Audit Committee
The Risk Assessment and Audit Committee reports to the Director and plays a key role in our corporate governance. It helps ensure effective and efficient use of resources by reviewing the performance and operations of internal controls and performance management systems. It approves our internal audit program and advises the Executive on risk fraud compliance and performance. It also provides assurance to the Director on preparing and reviewing financial statements. An external member chairs the committee. Membership includes the two Deputy Directors and three independent members external to the Institute. The committee met four times during 2017/18, addressing a range of issues including the review of budgets.
Risk Assessment and Audit Committee members, 2017/18
- Dennis Mihelyi (Chair), Chief Financial Officer, Australian Building and Construction Commission
- Brian Scammell (Member), Assistant Commissioner, Corporate Group, Productivity Commission
- Matthew Zappulla (Member), Technical Director, Auditing and Assurance Standards Board
- Kelly Hand (Member), Deputy Director (Research), AIFS
- Dr Michael Alexander (Member), Deputy Director (Corporate Services), AIFS
- Anne Hollonds (Observer), Director, AIFS
- Malcolm Williamson (Observer), Chief Financial Officer, AIFS
Human Research Ethics Committee
The role of our Human Research Ethics Committee is to ensure the ethical standards outlined in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans, and elaborated in our ethics statement, Ethical Issues in the Research Process (1996), are met in all research projects undertaken by us.
In particular, the committee must ensure projects meet the three key principles of: respect for persons, beneficence and justice, as set down in the National Statement. The committee is registered with the Australian Health Ethics Committee, a sub-committee of the National Health and Medical Research Council.
The Ethics Committee meets to consider new project proposals, receive brief oral and written reports on ongoing projects, consider any complaints or problems that may have arisen regarding ethical issues in our research, and review the complaints procedures, as required.
The committee met four times in 2017/18 and undertook expedited considerations on two occasions, assessing 14 ethics applications for new, revised or extended research projects. The committee also has an expedited review process in place for projects that need approval between meetings of the committee.
Members of the Ethics Committee are appointed for three-year terms, with the exception of one member who has sought an extension of their appointment for a shorter term.
Human Research Ethics Committee members, 2017/18
- Dr Duncan Ironmonger AM (Chair), BCom, MCom (Melb.); PhD (Cambridge); Department of Economics, University of Melbourne
- Dr Richard Ingleby, MA, DPhil (Oxford); LLM (Cambridge); Visiting Professor, North China University of Technology
- Ms Lorraine Parsons, BA (La Trobe); BSW (La Trobe); Grad. Cert. Management (Curtin)
- Rev. John Lamont, BA (La Trobe); BTheol (United Faculty of Theology, Ormond College)
- Dr Kerreen Reiger, BA (Hons) (Melb.); PhD (La Trobe); Honorary Associate, College of Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce, La Trobe University
- Dr Sarah Wise, BA (Hons), MA, PhD (Melb.); Good Childhood Fellow, Social Work, Melbourne School of Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne/Berry Street
- Ian Claridge, BA, Grad. Dip. Special Ed., Grad. Dip. Ed. Leadership, Associate National College for Leadership; Education Consultant/Accredited Executive Coach (Until October 2017)
- Victoria Triggs, BA (Melb.), Grad. Dip. Ed. Admin. (Melb.), Williamson Fellow (Leadership Victoria), Grad. Dip. Australian Institute of Company Directors
- Ms Carol Soloff, B.Sc (Hons) Australian National University (Appointed December 2017)
- Mr Ian Walker (Appointed October 2017)
Australian Gambling Research Centre (AGRC) Expert Advisory Group
The Expert Advisory Group of the AGRC provides advice to the Director (in his/her capacity as Director of AGRC), in relation to:
•strategic directions and research plans and programs for undertaking or commissioning research into, or producing data and statistics about, gambling
•strategies for increasing the capability and capacity of researchers to conduct research into, or produce data and statistics about, gambling.
The Expert Advisory Group consists of the Director and at least seven, but no more than 11, other members.
Australian Gambling Research Centre Expert Advisory Group, 2017/18
- Professor Richard Chisholm AM (Chair), Adjunct Professor, ANU College of Law
- Professor Max Abbott, Director, Gambling and Addictions Research Centre; and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Auckland University of Technology
- Ashley Gordon, Manager, NSW Aboriginal Safe Gambling Services
- Dr Ralph Lattimore, Assistant Commissioner, Productivity Commission
- Professor Alison McClelland, Productivity Commission
- Dr Mark Zirnsak, Director, Justice and International Mission Unit, Uniting Church in Australia Synod Office (Victoria and Tasmania)
- Linda Woo, Executive Director, Office of Regulatory Policy in Queensland's Department of Justice and Attorney-General
- Ms Anne Hollonds, AIFS and AGRC Director
AIFS Expert Advisory Committee
The title and terms of reference of the old 'Advisory Council' were reviewed in October 2017. The future of this group is under consideration.
Corporate and statutory reporting
Our Annual Report for 2016/17 was completed and tabled in a timely manner as required.
During 2017/18, we continued to refine and strengthen our planning processes in order to make our reporting outputs more robust, including ongoing improvements to our budget development, and review and monitoring processes. These initiatives continue to bring together a range of corporate and communications priorities, and have contributed to robust compliance standards and reporting performance against outcomes.
In August 2017, we published our third Corporate (Agency) Plan for 2017/18 to 2020/21 as required under the PGPA Act in the required timeframe. We spent much of 2017/18 implementing the plan's strategic priorities.
Our strategic directions commenced in July 2016. Initially they were a four-year timeframe and covered the period 2016-20. The strategic directions are a rolling plan that we review annually, and we are currently in Year 3 of the plan. We reviewed our goals and believe them to be relevant until 2021/22. One of the activities in 2018/19 is to review our plan to refine our goals and performance measures in our outlook.
Risk management
During 2017/18 we continued to monitor and improve our approach to risk management, including participating in the annual Risk Management Benchmarking Survey conducted by Comcover.
Project management
In 2015/16, we instigated a major review of our financial and management accounting processes. The review recommended that we implement a more systematic approach to our project management processes through the adoption of an agency-wide project management tool and associated processes. By doing so, we expect to be able to generate more accurate and timely analysis from our management accounting activities through a more consistent and sharper focus on project management principles. In addition, the new systematic project management approach is expected to allow risk reporting to be more easily embedded in scheduled projected reporting, as well as reduce the resourcing required in relation to the management of project budgets.
This project was put on hold for much of 2017/18 due to the departure of key personnel and the need to focus extensive resources on our relocation to new premises in February 2018. We are currently reviewing the status of this project with a view to recommencing work in 2018/19.
Internal audit
During 2017/18, three reviews were undertaken by the internal auditors, namely reviews of our Information Management Security, Risk Management practices and compliance to the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and related legislation. All reviews confirmed that we have maintained, in all material respects, effective control procedures.
We currently engage BDO East Coast Partnership to provide internal audits.
Business continuity
A major review of our Business Continuity Plan is currently underway following our relocation to new premises in February 2018. The plan aims to provide the necessary guidelines to enable us to:
- take action to prevent potential disruption to the business
- take appropriate action to safeguard staff and property in the event of a crisis
- plan and effectively manage the recovery of operations of the business to a satisfactory level
- plan and manage the resumption of normal business operations in permanent premises with our usual systems and staff
- plan and manage significant staff reductions in the event of a possible pandemic illness or other threat to business continuity that may be of a protracted nature.
Protective Security Policy Framework
We have continued to implement and adhere to the Australian Government Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF), in accordance with guidelines published by the AGD. As at 30 June 2018, we were fully compliant with all 36 mandatory requirements of the PSPF.
Ethical standards
We continue to take actions designed to integrate the APS Values into the organisational culture and the day-to-day work of all employees. The obligations of employees to uphold the APS Values and abide by the APS Code of Conduct are:
- promoted in staff induction and training
- applied to human resource management processes, including individual performance plans
- reflected in human resource policies and procedures, which are made available to all employees on our intranet.
We were not subject to any decisions by the Australian Information Commissioner in 2017/18.
External scrutiny
The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) performs an annual statutory audit of our financial statements. In addition, an independent contractor conducts a program of internal audit reviews (BDO East Coast Partnership). The outcomes of all audits are presented to the Risk Assessment and Audit Committee and plans developed for the implementation of recommendations and the ongoing monitoring of resultant actions for improved processes.
In 2017/18, we were not subject to reports by the Auditor-General, parliamentary committees or the Commonwealth Ombudsman.
We do not have statutory administrative decision-making powers and were not subject to any judicial decisions or decisions of administrative tribunals in 2017/18.
Management of human resources
Employee skills and qualifications
We are fortunate to have employees with a great diversity of skills, knowledge and experience. This ranges from research knowledge in multiple disciplines - including social science, psychology, family law, child and adolescent development, criminology, demography, economics, statistics and survey design - to management skills such as commercial contract negotiation, project management, financial and human resource management, information technology and communications. This diversity of knowledge and expertise exemplifies one of the benefits of working in a small organisation. These skills are known and, as such, can be used across a number of facets of our operations.
Figures 4.1 and 4.2 show, respectively, the highest qualifications gained by our employees overall and by those employed in the research area.
Figure 4.1: Employee qualifications as at 30 June 2018; Figure 4.2: Research employee qualifications as at 30 June 2018
Workforce planning
In 2017/18, we continued to develop our capacity to plan and respond to changing workforce needs. Building capacity and other workforce issues, including increasing the diversity of our workforce, will continue to be an area of focus in 2018/19.
Learning and development
The primary focus of learning and development activities is to ensure that we have the organisational capability to meet operational objectives, both now and in the future.
During the year, staff development focused on a range of interpersonal, leadership, professional workplace and wellbeing topics. The effectiveness of the training provided was evaluated in the performance reviews conducted between managers and individuals.
We also continue to provide professional development opportunities for employees via professional memberships, attendance at conferences and support for formal study.
Our recruitment in 2017/18 focused on specialist research positions, including key positions in knowledge translation, evaluation and longitudinal studies. Our vacancies were advertised via online channels including the APS Jobs site and our social media pages.
Staff engagement, participation and development
We recognise the vital contribution our people make to the achievement of our purpose and the importance of staff being engaged with their work, participating in the workplace, and developing professionally.
AIFS Values
In 2017/18 our leadership team worked with employees to develop a set of core AIFS Values. The AIFS Values and Behaviours, along with the APS Values, help to shape our culture and guide us towards achieving our purpose. AIFS' five values and behaviours are:
Champions of our work and each other
We want everyone's boat to rise: We take collective pride in each other's work and success.
Excellence for impact
We are committed to producing excellent work that makes a difference for families.
Fearless and curious explorers
We value experimentation, creativity and ongoing learnings.
Honest and respectful conversations
We are authentic and have meaningful conversations including the tough ones.
Seeing the lighter side
We value collegiality, humour and fun.
Office relocation change management
Our relocation to Southbank was supported by significant consultation and change management processes. A working group of staff representatives was established to provide a forum for discussion and feedback on matters relating to the relocation, including office design.
Workplace Relations Committee
The Workplace Relations Committee provides a forum for management and employees to discuss matters relating to the Enterprise Agreement as well as the workplace in general. The committee comprises management and employee representatives. The Committee's work in 2017/18 focused on staff consultation on policies supporting the 2017 Enterprise Agreement, which commenced in June 2017.
Health and Safety Committee
The Health and Safety Committee was established to represent staff and facilitate consultation and discussion between management and employees regarding health and safety matters in the workplace. Committee meetings are held at least quarterly and provide an effective forum for staff to raise particular health and safety issues as well as the planning and promotion of health and safety practices and principles in the workplace.
Statistics on staffing
As at 30 June 2018, there were 87 staff - 20 males and 67 females - employed at the Institute under the Public Service Act 1999, excluding the Director.
Tables 4.1 and 4.2 present profiles of our staff by gender and type of employment at 30 June 2018 and 30 June 2017 respectively. As Table 4.1 indicates, at 30 June 2018 we had 41% of staff in ongoing positions and 59% of staff in non-ongoing positions. This represents an increase in non-ongoing staff of 5 percentage points compared to the previous year. Table 4.3 describes staff by classification level, gender and type of employment as at 30 June 2018.
Ongoing | Non-ongoing | Totals | |||
Full-time | Part-time | Full-time | Part-time | ||
Male | 6 | 1 | 8 | 5 | 20 |
Female | 14 | 15 | 17 | 21 | 67 |
Total number | 20 | 16 | 25 | 26 | 87 |
% of all staff | 23 | 18 | 29 | 30 | 100 |
Note: Excludes employees engaged to provide services to us on an irregular/intermittent (casual) basis.
Ongoing | Non-ongoing | Totals | |||
Full-time | Part-time | Full-time | Part-time | ||
Male | 7 | 1 | 10 | 2 | 20 |
Female | 15 | 17 | 14 | 18 | 64 |
Total number | 22 | 18 | 24 | 20 | 84 |
% of all staff | 26 | 21 | 29 | 24 | 100 |
Note: Excludes employees engaged to provide services to us on an irregular/intermittent (casual) basis.
Classification | AIFS classification | Ongoing | Non-ongoing | Total number | % of all staff | ||
Male | Female | Male | Female | ||||
Senior Executive Service (SES) Band 1 | SES Band 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 |
Executive Level (EL) 2 | AIFS EL 2 | 1 | 12 | 2 | 3 | 18 | 21 |
Executive Level 1 | AIFS EL 1 | 4 | 6 | 4 | 7 | 21 | 24 |
APS 6 | AIFS Band 5-6 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 12 | 19 | 22 |
APS 5 | AIFS Band 5-6 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 11 | 17 | 20 |
APS 4 | AIFS Band 3-4 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 8 |
APS 3 | AIFS Band 3-4 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
APS 2 | AIFS Band 1-2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
APS 1 | AIFS Band 1-2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total number | 7 | 29 | 13 | 38 | 87 | ||
% of all staff | 8 | 33 | 15 | 44 | 100 |
Note: Seventeen employees on higher duties were counted at the higher duties level. Excludes employees engaged to provide services to us on an irregular/intermittent (casual) basis.
Employees who identify as Indigenous
As at 30 June 2018 we had no ongoing or non-ongoing employees who identified as Indigenous, the same as at 30 June 2017.
Individual and collective agreements
Details of the number of staff covered by our Enterprise Agreement or a Section 24(1) determination at 30 June 2018 are shown in Table 4.4.
Performance pay
No employees were eligible for performance pay in 2017/18.
Type of agreement | No. of staff |
Enterprise Agreement | 85 |
Section 24(1) determination | 2 |
Note: Two EL 2 employees covered by the Enterprise Agreement have been provided with Section 24(1) determinations to supplement the provisions of the Enterprise Agreement. The number of staff excludes employees engaged to provide services to us on an irregular/intermittent (casual) basis.
Assets management
We maintain a detailed and effective assets register. Assets management is not a significant aspect of our strategic business.
All purchasing is carried out in line with the requirements of the Commonwealth Procurement Rules, as detailed in the Accountable Authority's Instructions and Financial Guidelines, and in keeping with the core principles of ethical, efficient, effective and economical conduct. Templates covering all aspects of purchasing and approval have been developed and are used consistently.
All procurements in excess of $10,000 are reported in AusTender, and contracts in excess of $100,000 are included in Senate Order 192 reporting.
Our core business, to conduct research and communicate the findings, can require the use of consultant expertise. Consultants are generally engaged when particular specialist expertise is necessary and sufficiently skilled expertise is not immediately available in-house, or independent advice is required.
The services provided by new and continuing consultants in the reporting period included provision of research reports, the review and audit of financial activities, human resources and business process analyses, as well as media relations services.
Processes for the engagement of consultants were consistent with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules, as detailed in the Financial Guidelines. As with all procurement, the priority in the engagement of consultants is to obtain value for money. Competitive processes are used for the selection of consultants, and the Accountable Authority's Instructions contained guidelines for the approval of expenditure.
Consistent with the policy of including trend data in annual reports, expenditure on consultancy contracts over the three most recent financial years is listed in Table 4.5.
Financial year | Consultancy contract expenditure |
2015/16 | $267,534 |
2016/17 | $386,888 |
2017/18 | $366,279 |
During 2017/18, nine new consultancy contracts were entered into (including those to the value of less than $10,000), involving total actual expenditure of $262,182 (incl. GST). In addition, three ongoing consultancy contracts were active during the year, involving total actual expenditure of $104,097 (incl. GST). Expenditure for the year totalled $366,279 (incl. GST).
The Annual Report contains information about actual expenditure on contracts for consultancies. Information on the value of contracts and consultancies over $10,000 is available on the AusTender website.
Commissioning bodies
During the 2017/18 financial year, the following organisations commissioned projects from the Institute:
- Attorney-General's Department
- Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety Ltd
- Australian Psychological Society Limited
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Central Queensland University
- Department of Education and Training
- Department of Health
- Department of Jobs and Small Business
- Department of Social Services
- Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Monash University
- National Centre for Vocational Education Research
- Queensland Family Child Commission
- RMIT Training Pty Ltd
- University of New South Wales (Social Policy Research Centre)
- Victorian Department of Health and Human Services
- Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation
Australian National Audit Office access clauses
Our contract templates contain standard clauses to provide for the Auditor-General to have access to the contractor's premises. All contracts let during the reporting period contained these standard clauses.
Exempt contracts
We have not entered into any contracts or standing offers above the reporting threshold value of $10,000 that have been exempted from publication in AusTender.
Procurement initiatives to support small business
We support small business participation in the Commonwealth Government procurement market. Our procurement practices support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by using the following:
- the Commonwealth Contracting Suite for low-risk procurements valued under $200,000
- Australian Industry Participation Plans in whole-of-government procurement where applicable
- the Small Business Engagement Principles (outlined in the government's Industry Innovation and Competitiveness Agenda), such as communicating in clear, simple language and presenting information in an accessible format
- electronic systems or other processes used to facilitate on-time payment performance, including the use of payment cards.
SME and small enterprise participation statistics are available on the Department of Finance's website.
5. Financial statements
Due to their size and format the Financial statements are only available in PDF.
Financial statements (PDF, 851KB)
If you require an accessible version of the statements please contact us and we will endeavour to provide the content you need in a format you can use.
Appendix A: Other mandatory information
Work health and safety
We are committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, and meeting its responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. See Chapter 4: Management and accountability for our workplace health and safety policies, processes and performance.
Advertising and market research
No payments of $13,200 or greater (inclusive of GST) were made for the purposes of advertising and market research expenditure, as described in section 321A of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.
Ecologically sustainable development and environmental performance
Our management and staff continue to be committed to the principles of ecologically sustainable development.
In February 2018 we moved to new premises. Consideration was given to the energy rating of all buildings inspected. The HWT Tower in which we are now located has a 4.5 star NABERS energy rating. Lighting throughout our office is sensitive to movement, meaning it will automatically turn off after a set period of no activity and only turn back on when movement is detected. We are anticipating this will assist in reducing wasted energy on unnecessary lighting.
Other energy efficient practices, such as staff shutting down their computers at the end of the day continue to be encouraged, together with ensuring all office equipment and appliances conform to environmental standards.
At 30 June we had only been resident in our new tenancy for four months. As a result, meaningful comparison of electricity consumption within the tenancy with previous years is not possible this year, although our expectation is that it will be less than our previous tenancy due to our reduced footprint (from 1,532 m2 over 1.5 floors to 1,290 m2 over a single floor).
Adverse effects due to transport (causing emissions to the air and use of resources) continue to be mostly due to domestic airline flights. The proximity of our office to train and tram networks enables the majority of staff to take public transport to and from the office. Webinars continue to be popular and now regularly replace seminar presentations, meaning a reduced need for people to travel to the Institute to hear them. Investment in a new telephony system and the roll out of laptops across the Institute in the first half of 2018 mean that video conferencing will be available to all staff more easily than ever before.
Paper consumption (use of natural resources) is minimised by using recycled paper and ensuring that the office printers default to using both sides of the paper. Paper use in 2017/18 (number of printer/copier impressions) decreased by 13.4%. This continues the decreased usage reported over the previous three years.
Our transition to digital working in line with the Australian Government's digital transition and digital continuity 2020 policies has been supported by the rollout of laptops to the majority of staff and a reduction of printers from four to two in our new tenancy.
Waste generation (resource waste and emissions to the air) is reduced by the separation of paper, cardboard, glass, plastics and organic waste at waste stations throughout the tenancy.
Disability reporting
Since 1994, Commonwealth departments and agencies have reported on their performance as policy adviser, purchaser, employer, regulator and provider under the Commonwealth Disability Strategy. In 2007/08, reporting on the employer role was transferred to the Australian Public Service Commission's State of the Service Report and the APS Statistical Bulletin. These reports are available from the Commission's website. Since 2010/11, departments and agencies have not been required to report on these functions.
The Commonwealth Disability Strategy has been overtaken by a new National Disability Strategy 2010-20, which sets out a 10-year national policy framework to improve the lives of people with a disability, promote participation and create a more inclusive society. A high-level two-yearly report will track progress against each of the six outcome areas of the strategy and present a picture of how people with a disability are faring. The first of these reports was published in late 2014 (see the Department of Social Services website).
Information Publication Scheme
Agencies subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) are required to publish information to the public as part of the Information Publication Scheme (IPS). This requirement is in Part II of the FOI Act and has replaced the former requirement to publish a Section 8 statement in an annual report. Each agency must display on its website a plan showing what information it publishes in accordance with the IPS requirements.
No requests were made of the Institute this year for information under the FOI Act.
Contact details
FOI Contact Officer
Australian Institute of Family Studies
Level 4, 40 City Road
Southbank VIC 3006
Telephone (03) 9214 7888
Facsimile (03) 9214 7839
Email [email protected]
Appendix B: Agency resource statements and resources for outcomes
Actual available appropriation for 2017/18 $ (a) | Payments made 2017/18 $ (b) | Balance remaining 2017/18 $ (a) - (b) | ||
Ordinary annual services1 | ||||
Departmental appropriation2 | 20,603,118 | 14,507,344 | 6,095,774 | |
Total | 20,603,118 | 14,507,344 | 6,095,774 | |
Total ordinary annual services | A | 20,603,118 | 14,507,344 | 6,095,774 |
Other services3 | ||||
Departmental non-operating | ||||
Equity injections4 | 907,000 | 907,000 | - | |
Total | 907,000 | 907,000 | - | |
Total other services | B | 907,000 | 907,000 | - |
Total available annual appropriations and payments | 21,510,118 | 15,414,344 | 6,095,774 | |
Special appropriations | ||||
Total special appropriations | C | - | - | - |
Special accounts5 | ||||
Total special accounts | D | - | - | - |
Total resourcing and payments A+B+C+D | 21,510,118 | 15,414,344 | 6,095,774 | |
Less appropriations drawn from annual or special appropriations above and credited to special accounts through annual appropriations | - | - | - | |
Total net resourcing and payments for AIFS | 21,510,118 | 15,414,344 | 6,095,774 |
1. Appropriation Act (No. 1) 2017/18and Appropriation Act (No. 3) 2017/18(and Appropriation Act (No. 5) 2017/18 if necessary). This may also include prior year departmental appropriation and Section 74 Retained Revenue Receipts.
2. Includes an amount of $0.441 million in 2017/18 for the Departmental Capital Budget. For accounting purposes this amount has been designated as 'contributions by owners'.
3. Appropriation Act (No. 2) 2017/18 and Appropriation Act (No. 4) 2017/18 (and Appropriation Act (No. 6) 2017/18 if necessary).
4. Includes appropriation equity provided through Appropriation Bill (No.2) 2017-18.
5. Does not include 'Special Public Money' held in accounts like Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys Special accounts (SOETM).
Outcome 1: Increased understanding of factors affecting how families function by conducting research and communicating findings to policy-makers, service providers, and the broader community | Budget 11 2017/18 $'000 | Actual expenses 2017/18 $'000 (b) | Variation 2017/18 $'000 (a) - (b) |
Program 1.1: Australian Institute of Family Studies | |||
Departmental expenses | |||
Departmental appropriation2 | 12,191 | 12,690 | 499 |
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year | 534 | 623 | 89 |
Total for Program 1.1 | 12,725 | 13,313 | 588 |
2017/18 | 2017/18 | 2017/18 | |
Average staffing level (number) | 82 | 74 | (8) |
1. Full year budget, including any subsequent adjustment made to the 2016/17 Budget at Additional Estimates.
2. Departmental Appropriation combines Ordinary annual services (Appropriation Acts Nos. 1, 3 and 5) and Retained Revenue Receipts under Section 74 of the PGPA Act 2013.
Appendix C: AIFS publications, seminars and presentations 2017/18
The following are the research publications, presentations and other outputs prepared by AIFS staff during 2017/18.
Armstrong, A., & Carroll, M. (2017). Race betting in Australia (AGRC Research Summary). Melbourne: Australian Gambling Research Centre, Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Armstrong, A., & Carroll, M. (2017). Sports betting in Australia (AGRC Research Summary). Melbourne: Australian Gambling Research Centre, Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Armstrong, A., & Carroll, M. (2018). Poker activity in Australia (AGRC Research Summary). Melbourne: Australian Gambling Research Centre, Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Armstrong, A., Carroll, M., & Thomas, A. (2017). Gambling activity in Australia: Findings from wave 15 of the Household, Income, and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey. Melbourne: Australian Gambling Research Centre, Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Armstrong, A.R., Thomas, A., & Abbott, M. (2018). Gambling participation, expenditure and risk of harm in Australia, 1997-98 and 2010-11. Journal of Gambling Studies, 34, 255-274.
Australian Institute of Family Studies. (2017). Agency Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Australian Institute of Family Studies. (2017). The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children annual statistical report 2016. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Australian Institute of Family Studies. (2018). Program planning and evaluation guide (CFCA Resource Sheet). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Australian Institute of Family Studies, & Victoria Police. (2017). Challenging misconceptions about sexual offending: Creating an evidence-based resource for police and legal practitioners. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Australian Institute of Family Studies, Centre for Social Research Methods, Social Policy Research Centre, & Social Research Centre. (2018). Child Care Package: Evaluation framework. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Australian Temperament Project. (December, 2018). Year 2018 Participant Newsletter. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Baker, K., Sipthorp, M., & Edwards, B., (2017). A Longitudinal measure of socio-economic position in LSAC (Longitudinal Study of Australian Children Technical Paper No. 18). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Baxter, J. A. (2017). Long hours and longings: Research summary. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Baxter, J. A. (2017). The career aspirations of young adolescent boys and girls. In Australian Institute of Family Studies (Eds.), The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children annual statistical report 2016 (pp. 35-60). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Baxter, J. A. (2018). Stay-at-home fathers in Australia (AIFS Research Report). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Baxter, J. A., & Warren, D., (2017). Teen employment experiences. In Australian Institute of Family Studies (Eds.), The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children annual statistical report 2016 (pp. 171-189). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Carson, R., Dunstan, E., Dunstan, J., & Roopani, D. (2018). Children and young people in separated families: Family law system experiences and needs. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Carson, R., Qu, L., De Maio, J., & Roopani, D. (2018). Direct cross-examination in family law matters: Incidence and context of direct cross-examination involving self-represented litigants. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Child Family Community Australia & National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. (2017). Prevention of child abuse and neglect: Examples from research and practice (CFCA Resource Sheet). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Child Family Community Australia. (2017). Evaluation and value for money (CFCA Resource Sheet). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Commerford, J., & Hunter, C. (2017). Playgroups evaluation guide (CFCA Practitioner Resource). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Commerford, J., & Hunter, C. (2017). Principles for high quality playgroups: Examples from research and practice (CFCA Practitioner Resource). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Daraganova, G. (2017). Self-harm and suicidal behaviour of young people aged 14-15 years old. In Australian Institute of Family Studies (Eds.), The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children annual statistical report 2016 (pp. 119-144). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Daraganova, G. (2018). Body image of pre-adolescents. In S. Garvis, & D. Pendergast (Eds.), Health and wellbeing in childhood. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Delfabbro, P., Thomas, A., & Armstrong, A. (2018). Gender differences in the presentation of observable risk indicators of problem gambling. Journal of Gambling Studies, 34, 119-132.
De Maio, J., Gatina-Bhote, L., Hoang, C., & Rioseco, P. (2017). Housing outcomes for recently arrived humanitarian migrants (Building a New Life in Australia Research Summary). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
De Maio, J., Gatina-Bhote, L., Rioseco, P., & Edwards, B. (2017). Risk of psychological distress among recently arrived humanitarian migrants (Building a New Life in Australia Research Summary). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
De Maio, J., Silbert, M., Stathopoulos, M., Rioseco, P., Jenkinson, R., & Edwards, B. (2017). Empowering migrant and refugee women: Supporting and empowering women beyond five-year post-settlement (AIFS Research Report No. 38) Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
De Vaus, D. A., Gray, M., Qu, L., & Stanton, D. I. (2017). The economic consequences of divorce in six OECD countries. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 52, 180-199.
Edwards, B., Smart, D., De Maio, J., Silbert, M., & Jenkinson, R. (2018). Cohort Profile: Building a New Life in Australia (BNLA). The longitudinal study of humanitarian migrants. International Journal of Epidemiology, 47, 20-20h.
El-Murr, A. (2017). Problem sexual behaviours and sexually abusive behaviours in Australian children and young people (CFCA Paper No. 46). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Herbert, J., & Bromfield, L. (2018). National comparison of cross-agency practice in investigating and responding to severe child abuse (CFCA Paper No. 47). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Hollonds, A. (2018). Director's reflections. Family Matters, 100, 2-3.
Homel, J., & Warren, D., (2017). Parental influences on adolescents' alcohol use. In Australian Institute of Family Studies (Eds.), The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children annual statistical report 2016 (pp. 61-84). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Humphreys, C., & Campo, M. (2017). Fathers who use violence: Options for safe practice where there is ongoing contact with children (CFCA Paper No. 43). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
McLean, S. (2018). Developmental differences in children who have experienced adversity: Emotional dysregulation. Practice guide 1 of 4 (CFCA Practitioner Resource). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
McLean, S. (2018). Developmental differences in children who have experienced adversity: Diminished social reward. Practice guide 2 of 4 (CFCA Practitioner Resource). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
McLean, S. (2018). Developmental differences in children who have experienced adversity: Difficulty with executive functioning. Practice guide 3 of 4 (CFCA Practitioner Resource). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
McLean, S. (2018). Developmental differences in children who have experienced adversity: Threat bias. Practice guide 4 of 4 (CFCA Practitioner Resource). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Morgan, B., Palfrey, N., Price-Robertson, R., Guy, S., & Masters, J. (2018) Introducing the National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health: Improving the lives of infants, children and families. Family Matters, 100, 51-59.
Muir, S., & Hand, K. (2018). Beyond 18, The Longitudinal Study on Leaving Care: Wave 1 research report. Transition planning and preparation. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Nguyen, H., & Jean, C. (2018). A brief history of Family Matters. Family Matters, 100, 60-61.
Podesta, J., & Thomas, A. (2017). Betting restrictions and online wagering in Australia: A review of current knowledge (AGRC Research Report). Melbourne: Australian Gambling Research Centre, Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Qu, L., Lahausse, J., & Carson, R. (2018). Working together to care for children: A study of foster and relative/kinship carers. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Qu, L., Lahausse, J., & Carson, R. (2018). Working Together to Care for Kids: Carer service use and needs (Research Snapshot). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Qu, L., Lahausse, J., & Carson, R. (2018). Working Together to Care for Kids: Carer support and training for caring role (Research Snapshot). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Qu, L., Lahausse, J., & Carson, R. (2018). Working Together to Care for Kids: Carers' views - rewards and challenges (Research Snapshot). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Qu, L., Lahausse, J., & Carson, R. (2018). Working Together to Care for Kids: Carers' wellbeing and family relationships (Research Snapshot). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Qu, L., Lahausse, J., & Carson, R. (2018). Working Together to Care for Kids: Foster and relative/kinship carers and their experiences (Research Snapshot). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Qu, L., & Weston, R. (2017). Maternal age and family circumstances of firstborn children. In Australian Institute of Family Studies (Eds.), The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children annual statistical report 2016 (pp. 171-189). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Quadara, A. (2017). Framework for historical influences on institutional child sexual abuse, 1950-2014. Sydney: Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Quadara, A., El-Murr, A., & Latham, J. R. (2017). The effects of pornography on children and young people: An evidence scan. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Quadara, A., Stathopoulos, M., Carson, R., Bilgic, S., Kaspiew, R., Romaniuk, H. et al. (2017). Pathways to support services for victim/survivors of child sexual abuse and their families. Sydney: Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Rintoul, A., Deblaquiere, J., & Thomas, A. (2017). Responsible gambling codes of conduct: Lack of harm minimisation intervention in the context of venue self-regulation. Addiction Research & Theory, 25, 451-461
Rintoul, A., & Thomas, A. (2017). Pre commitment systems for electronic gambling machines: Preventing harm and improving consumer protection (AGRC Discussion Paper No. 9). Melbourne: Australian Gambling Research Centre, Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Rioseco, P., & Liddy, N. (2018). Settlement outcomes of humanitarian youth and active citizenship (Building a New Life in Australia Research Summary). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Rioseco P., De Maio, J., & Hoang, C. (2017). The Building a New Life in Australia (BNLA) dataset: A Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants in Australia. Australian Economic Review, 50, 356-362
Rosier, K., Moore, S., Robinson, E., & Smart, J. (2018). Developmental evaluation (CFCA Resource Sheet). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Saccotelli, L., & Muldoon, A. (2018). The evolution of family research at AIFS: Talking with past Institute leaders. Family Matters, 100, 42-50.
Smart, D., De Maio, J., Rioseco, P., & Edwards, B. (2017). English skills, engagement in education, and entrance into employment of recently arrived humanitarian migrants (Building a New Life in Australia Research Summary). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Smart, J. (2017). Collective impact: Evidence and implications for practice (CFCA Paper No. 45). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Smyth, B., Hunter, C., Macvean, M., Walter, M., & Higgins, D. (2018). Education for family life in Australia. In M. Robila & A. C. Taylor, (Eds.), Global perspectives on family life education. Dordrecht: Springer.
Vassallo, S., Daraganova, G., Zhang, G. Z., & Homel, J. (2017). Teaching practices in Australian primary schools. In Australian Institute of Family Studies (Eds.), The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children annual statistical report 2016 (pp. 145-170). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Warren, D. (2017). Low income and poverty dynamics: Implications for child outcomes (Social Policy Research Paper No. 47). Canberra: Department of Social Services.
Warren, D., & Edwards, B., (2017). Contexts of disadvantage (Occasional Paper No. 53). Canberra: Department of Social Services.
Warren, D., & Edwards, B. (2017). Young carers. In Australian Institute of Family Studies (Eds.), The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children annual statistical report 2016 (pp. 85-117). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Wayland, S., & Hindmarsh, G. (2017). Understanding safeguarding practices for children with disability when engaging with organisations (CFCA Practitioner Resource). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Whitehouse, G., Baird, M., Brennan, D., & Baxter, J. A. (2017). Australia country note. In: S. Blum, A. Koslowski, & P. Moss (Eds.), International review of leave policies and research 2017 (pp. 44-55). London: International Network on Leave Policies and Related Research.
Wise, S. (2017). Developments to strengthen systems for child protection across Australia (CFCA Paper No. 44). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Yu, M., & Daraganova, G., (2017). Executive Functioning-use of Cogstate measures in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (Longitudinal Study of Australian Children Technical Paper No. 19). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Updated CFCA resource sheets
Age of consent laws (July 2017)
Australian child protection legislation (March 2018)
Child deaths from abuse and neglect (October 2017)
Child protection and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (August 2017)
Children in care (October 2017)
Children's commissioners and guardians (June 2018)
Helplines and telephone counselling services for children, young people and parents (September 2017)
Mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect (September 2017)
Online safety (April 2018)
Pre-employment screening: Working with Children Checks and Police Checks (May 2018)
Reporting child abuse and neglect (December 2017)
Seminars and webinars
AGRC Webinars
Charles Livingstone, Senior Lecturer, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University. How electronic gambling machines work, 13 July 2017.
CFCA Webinar Series
Cathy Humphreys, Professor of Social Work, University of Melbourne; Monica Campo, former Senior Research Officer, AIFS. Fathers who use violence: 'Whole of family' approaches where there is ongoing contact with children, 6 July 2017.
Richard Fletcher, Associate Professor, Family Action Centre, University of Newcastle; Chris May; Jennifer St George, Senior Lecturer in Family Studies, University of Newcastle. Framing messages to engage fathers in the first 1,000 days, 3 August 2017.
Teegan Bain, Jessica Cocks, Felicity Kime, Lynette Stoker, Family Inclusion Strategies in the Hunter Inc. (FISH). Learning from the experiences of parents with children in care, 23 August 2017.
Gwynnyth Llewellyn, Co-director, NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Disability and Health, University of Sydney. Children with disability: Inclusive practice and child-safe organisations, 12 October 2017.
Jessica Smart, Senior Research Officer, AIFS; Kerry Graham, Director, Collaboration for Impact; Arlene Hand. Collective impact: Opportunities and challenges for implementation, 30 November 2017.
Cathy Humphreys, Professor of Social Work, University of Melbourne; Kathryn Lyons, Manager, Geelong Family Relationship Centre. Parenting in contexts of family violence and inter-parental conflict: Implications for practice, 22 March 2018.
Sara McLean, Adjunct Fellow, Australian Centre for Child Protection. Developmental differences in children who have experienced diversity: Emerging evidence and implications for practice, 2 May 2018.
Karen Broadley, Senior Research Officer. Responding to disclosures of child abuse and neglect, 20 June 2018.
Australian Institute of Family Studies, Communities for Children National Forum, 25-26 October 2017, Brisbane, QLD.
Delegation with the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA): Yun Seob Oh (Chief of Research, Social Security Evaluation Group), Yeana Lee (Researcher, Social Security Evaluation Group) (November 2017).
Delegation of Singaporean Ministry of Social and Family Development Data Linkage Collaboration: Cynthia Nixon (Director, and head of delegation, Ministry of Social and Family Development), Christina Gan, Ivan Au, Sylvester Koh, Chairmaine Lee, Karin Huang, Desmond Tan (April 2018).
Armstrong, A., & Carroll, M. (2018, May). Gambling activity in Australia. Guest lecture presented at the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation, Melbourne.
Armstrong, A., Rintoul, A., & Jenkinson, R. (2018, June). Recent project findings and future directions: The Australian Gambling Research Centre. Seminar presented to the Department of Social Services, Canberra.
Baxter, J. A. (2017, November). Mothers and fathers in work: New insights from recent Australian data. Paper presented at the ELMAS Seminar series, Department of Employment, Canberra.
Baxter, J. A., & Craig, L. (2018, June). Grandparents providing care: Analyses of Australian longitudinal data. Paper presented at the Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, Washington, D.C.
Broadley, K. (2018, June). Responding to disclosures of child abuse and neglect. Paper presented at the Child Safe Standards Community Forum, St Kilda, Vic.
Carson. R. (2017, August). Towards a better understanding of elder abuse. Webinar presented for the Australian Association of Gerontology Webinar on Elder Abuse.
Carson, R. (2017, November). Elder Abuse National Research: An update. Paper presented to National Legal Aid, Melbourne.
Carson, R. (2017, November). Resolution of disputes in the Australian Family Law Context. Roundtable presentation to the Ministry of Social and Family Development, Singapore.
Carson, R. (2017, November). Towards a better understanding of elder abuse. Presentation at the Asian Family Conference - Families in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities, Singapore.
Carson, R. (2017, December). Towards a better understanding of elder abuse. Paper presented at the STOP Domestic Violence Conference, Melbourne.
Carson, R. (2018, May). Domestic and family violence and parenting: Insights from recent Australian research. Keynote presentation at the Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month Breakfast, Cairns.
Carson, R., & Dow, B. (2018, February). Elder Abuse National Research Stage One - Strengthening the Evidence Base: Component one - Developing an Australian definition of abuse of older people. Paper presented to the National Elder Abuse Conference, Sydney.
Carson, R., Qu, L., & Down, B. (2018, February). Elder Abuse National Research Stage One - Strengthening the Evidence Base. Component one - Developing an Australian definition of abuse of older people. Paper presented to the Working Group on Protecting the Rights of Older Australians, Melbourne.
Daraganova, G., & Edwards, B. (2017, October). Parental military service and adult family relationships: More evidence of the intergenerational impact of war. Paper presented at the SLLS International Conference Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Longitudinal and Lifecourse Research, Scotland.
Daraganova, G., & Kikkawa, D. (2018, June). Building New Life in Australia Symposium: Refugee settlement and wellbeing over the life course. Paper presented at the Life Course Centre, University of Queensland, Indooroopilly Qld.
Davis, E., & Moore, S. (2018, April). Outcomes measurement and evaluation workshop. Workshop presented in Melbourne.
De Maio, J. (2017, September). Interviewing children in humanitarian migrant families: Methods and challenges. Paper presented at the Australian Social Policy Conference, Sydney.
Edwards, B., & Warren, D. (2017, October). Contexts of disadvantage. Paper presented at the SLLS International Conference Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Longitudinal and Lifecourse Research, Scotland.
Goldsworthy, K. (2017, November). Lessons from the Expert Panel project: Three years on. Paper presented at the FRSA National Conference, Melbourne.
Goldsworthy. K., & Moore, S. (2018, May). Outcomes measurement and evaluation workshop. Workshop presented in Adelaide.
Goldsworthy. K., & Moore, S. (2018, May). Outcomes measurement and evaluation workshop. Workshop presented in Hobart.
Goldsworthy. K., & Smart, J. (2018, May). Outcomes measurement and evaluation workshop. Workshop presented in Canberra.
Goldsworthy. K., & Smart, J. (2018, May). Outcomes measurement and evaluation workshop. Workshop presented in Port Augusta.
Goldsworthy. K., & Smart, J. (2018, June). Outcomes measurement and evaluation workshop. Workshop presented in Darwin.
Goldsworthy. K., & Smart, J. (2018, June). Outcomes measurement and evaluation workshop. Workshop presented in Townsville.
Gray, M., Qu, L., Stanton, D. I., & Weston, R. (2018, February). Social security reform: Revisiting Henderson and basic income. Paper presented at the 2018 Henderson Conference 'Social Security Reform: Revisiting Henderson, Poverty and Basic Income', Carlton, Vic.
Hollonds, A. (2017, November). Challenges and opportunities of Families Policy in an Ageing Society. Keynote presentation at the Asian Families Conference, Singapore.
Hollonds, A. (2018, June). Is it 'us' or is 'the system'? What have we learnt so far? Paper presented at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Conference, Washington D.C., USA.
Hollonds, A. (2018, June). The wellbeing of parents and children - what's the connection? Keynote for launch of 'ParentsNext', Sydney.
Hollonds, A., De Maio, J., & Baxter, J. (2017, November). Settlement experiences of recently arrived humanitarian migrants: Insights from the Building a New Life in Australia Study. Paper presented at the Advancing Community Cohesion Conference, Sydney.
Jenkinson, R., de Lacy-Vawdon, C., & Carroll, M. (2018, February). 'Weighing up the Odds': Young men, sports and betting. Paper presented at the International Gambling Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Jenkinson, R., de Lacy-Vawdon, C., & Carroll, M. (2018, June). Young men, sports and betting. Paper presented at the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation, Melbourne.
Jenkinson, R., De Maio, J., & Rioseco, R. (2018, August). Building a New Life in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants. Paper presented at the Settlement Services International Conference, Sydney.
Jenkinson, R., De Maio, J., & Rioseco P. (2017, August). Building a New Life in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants. Paper presented at the Cultural Shift Conference 'From Settlement to Belonging', Sydney.
Kaspiew, R., & Qu, L. (2017, September). Post separation financial remedies: Who needs them? Paper presented at Anglo-Australian Financial Remedies Seminar, Trinity College, Cambridge, UK.
Kipsaina, C., Thomas, A., Rintoul, A., Jenkinson, R., & de Lacy-Vawdon, C. A. (2017, November). National gambling reporting system for Australia. Paper presented at the APSAD Scientific Alcohol and Drug Conference, Melbourne.
Kipsaina, C., Thomas, A., Rintoul, A., Jenkinson, R., & de Lacy-Vawdon, C. (2018, February). Harm surveillance systems for gambling: Designing a national gambling reporting system for Australia. Poster presented at the International Gambling Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Liddy, N., & Rioseco, P. (2017, September). Settlement outcomes of humanitarian youth: Combining research, policy and practice. Paper presented at the Australian Social Policy Conference, Sydney.
Moore, S., & Smart, J. (2018, May). Outcomes measurement and evaluation workshop. Workshop presented in Brisbane.
Moore, S. (2018, May). Outcomes measurement and evaluation workshop. Workshop presented in Sydney.
Moore, S., & Smart, J. (2018, June). Outcomes measurement and evaluation workshop. Workshop presented in Newcastle.
O'Connor, M. (2017, October). The prevalence and continuity of internalising difficulties from childhood to adolescence. Paper presented at the International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology Congress, Melbourne.
O'Connor, M., Romaniuk, H., Gray, S., & Daraganova, G. (2017, October). Why do some at-risk children go on to experience internalising problems in adolescence and others not? Paper presented at the SLLS International Conference Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Longitudinal and Lifecourse Research, Scotland.
O'Keeffe, D. (2017, October). Paper presentation to the Elder Abuse Round Table, Melbourne.
Price-Robertson, R. (2018, March). Fatherhood, mental illness and recovery. Paper presented at the Best Practice/Next Practice: Working With Families Where the Parents Have a Mental Illness (FaPMI) Forum, Melbourne.
Purtell, J. (2017, October). Transitioning to post-care life: Results from the Beyond 18 Longitudinal Study on Leaving Care. Paper presented at the Outcomes, Practice, Evidence Network (OPEN) Sector Research Symposium, Carlton, Vic.
Qu, L. (2017, November). Family Dispute Resolution: Who uses it, timing and outcomes. Paper presented at FRSA National Conference, Melbourne.
Qu, L., Carson, L., & O'Keeffe, D. (2017, November). Elder abuse national research. Paper presented at FRSA National Conference, Melbourne.
Qu, L., & Weston, R. (2018, June). Financial journeys of Australian parents after separation. Paper presented at the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security Conference, Sigtuna, Sweden.
Renda, J. (2018, March). Ethical methodology and data collection: Experiences from the Growing Up in Australia study. Paper presented at the VCE Teachers' Conference, Melbourne.
Rintoul, A., & Deblaquiere, J. (2018, June). Gambling in suburban Australia: Findings for Brimbank City Council, Sunshine, Victoria. Paper presented to the Brimbank City Council.
Rintoul, A., & Deblaquiere, J. (2018, June). Gambling in Suburban Australia: Findings for Whitehorse City Council, Nunawading, Victoria. Paper presented to the Whitehorse City Council.
Rintoul, A., Deblaquiere, J., & Thomas, A. (2017, November). Responsible Gambling Codes of Conduct: Honoured in the breach rather than the observance? Poster presented at the Nordic Gambling Policy Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
Rintoul, A., & Jenkinson, R. (2018, February). Building gambling surveillance systems to enable harm comparison. Paper presented at the International Gambling Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Rintoul, A., & Livingstone, C. (2018, February). Prioritising public health interventions for gambling using the third dimension Haddon's Matrix. Paper presented at the International Gambling Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Rioseco, P. (2017, October). Predictors of psychological distress in recently arrived humanitarian migrants to Australia: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the Congress of the International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology, Melbourne.
Robinson, E. (2017, October). Reflections on the Expert Panel Project: AIFS. Paper presented at the Communities for Children Facilitating Partners National Forum, Brisbane.
Romaniuk, H. (2017, August). Why do some children with internalising symptoms go on to experience symptoms in adolescence, and others not? Paper presented at the International Mental Health Conference, Gold Coast.
Smart, J. (2017, November). Using digital technology in child, youth and family sectors. Paper presented at the FRSA National Conference, Melbourne.
Vassallo, S. (2017, July). What can birth cohort studies tell us about mental health from childhood to early adulthood? Paper presented at the APS College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists' National Conference, Brisbane.
Warren, D., & Edwards, B. (2017, September). Young carers in Australia: The influence of informal caring on cognitive and social outcomes. Paper presented at the Australian Social Policy Conference, Sydney.
Weston, R., & Qu, L. (2017, July). Parental separation: 30 years on - Changes in financial and personal wellbeing. Paper presented at the Economic and Social Outlook Conference, Melbourne.
Appendix D: Acronyms and abbreviations
Acronyms and abbreviations | Description |
AASB | Australian Accounting Standards Board |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory |
ADF | Australian Defence Force |
AFM | Advance to the Finance Minister |
AGD | Attorney-General's Department |
AGRC | Australian Gambling Research Centre |
AIFS | Australian Institute of Family Studies |
AM | Member of the Order of Australia |
ANAO | Australian National Audit Office |
ANROWS | Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety |
ANU | Australian National University |
APS | Australian Public Service |
ATP | Australian Temperament Project |
AWA | Australian Workplace Agreement |
BNLA | Building a New Life in Australia |
CAFS | Children and Families Secretaries |
CALD | Culturally and linguistically diverse |
CFCA | Child Family Community Australia information exchange |
CfC FP | Communities for Children Facilitating Partners |
CQU | Central Queensland University |
CSRM | Centre for Social Research and Methods |
DCB | Departmental Capital Budget |
DHHS | Victorian Department of Health and Human Services |
DHS | Department of Human Services |
DET | Department of Education and Training |
DoH | Department of Health |
DSS | Department of Social Services |
DTFS | Defence Transition Family Study |
DVA | Department of Veterans' Affairs |
EL | Executive Level |
FBT | Fringe Benefits Tax |
FMO | Finance Minister's Order |
FOI Act | Freedom of Information Act 1982 |
GST | Goods and Services Tax |
IFA | Individual flexibility arrangements |
IPS | Information Publication Scheme |
KPMG | Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler |
LSAC | Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MP | Member of Parliament |
NCVER | National Centre for Vocational Education Research |
NSW | New South Wales |
NSW FaCS | NSW Department of Family and Community Services |
NT | Northern Territory |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OPA | Official Public Account |
PAES | Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements |
PBS | Portfolio Budget Statements |
PGPA | Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 |
PM&C | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet |
PSPF | Protective Security Policy Framework |
QFCC | Queensland Family and Child Commission |
Qld | Queensland |
SA | South Australia |
SES | Senior Executive Service |
SME | Small and medium enterprises |
SOETM | Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys Special accounts |
SPRC | Social Policy Research Centre |
SRC | Social Research Centre |
Tas. | Tasmania |
UK | United Kingdom |
UNSW | University of New South Wales |
USA | United States of America |
Vic. | Victoria |
VRGF | Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation |
WA | Western Australia |
Appendix E: List of requirements
The Annual Report is prepared in accordance with the Requirements for Annual Reports approved by the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit. This index refers to mandatory and suggested reporting items.
PGPA Rule Reference | Page of Report | Description | Requirement |
17AD(g) | Letter of transmittal | ||
17AI | iii | A copy of the letter of transmittal signed and dated by accountable authority on date final text approved, with statement that the report has been prepared in accordance with section 46 of the Act and any enabling legislation that specifies additional requirements in relation to the annual report. | Mandatory |
17AD(h) | Aids to access | ||
17AJ(a) | v | Table of contents. | Mandatory |
17AJ(b) | 103 | Alphabetical index. | Mandatory |
17AJ(c) | 96 | Glossary of abbreviations and acronyms. | Mandatory |
17AJ(d) | 98 | List of requirements. | Mandatory |
17AJ(e) | ii | Details of contact officer. | Mandatory |
17AJ(f) | ii | Entity's website address. | Mandatory |
17AJ(g) | ii | Electronic address of report. | Mandatory |
17AD(a) | Review by accountable authority | ||
17AD(a) | 2 | A review by the accountable authority of the entity. | Mandatory |
17AD(b) | Overview of the entity | ||
17AE(1)(a)(i) | 10 | A description of the role and functions of the entity. | Mandatory |
17AE(1)(a)(ii) | 11 | A description of the organisational structure of the entity. | Mandatory |
17AE(1)(a)(iii) | 12 | A description of the outcomes and programmes administered by the entity. | Mandatory |
17AE(1)(a)(iv) | iv | A description of the purposes of the entity as included in corporate plan. | Mandatory |
17AE(1)(b) | N/A | An outline of the structure of the portfolio of the entity. | Portfolio departments Mandatory |
17AE(2) | N/A | Where the outcomes and programs administered by the entity differ from any Portfolio Budget Statement, Portfolio Additional Estimates Statement or other portfolio estimates statement that was prepared for the entity for the period, include details of variation and reasons for change. | If applicable, Mandatory |
17AD(c) | Report on the performance of the entity | ||
Annual performance statements | |||
17AD(c)(i); 16F | 14 | Annual performance statement in accordance with paragraph 39(1)(b) of the Act and section 16F of the Rule. | Mandatory |
17AD(c)(ii) | Report on financial performance | ||
17AF(1)(a) | 32 | A discussion and analysis of the entity's financial performance. | Mandatory |
17AF(1)(b) | 33 | A table summarising the total resources and total payments of the entity. | Mandatory |
17AF(2) | N/A | If there may be significant changes in the financial results during or after the previous or current reporting period, information on those changes, including: the cause of any operating loss of the entity; how the entity has responded to the loss and the actions that have been taken in relation to the loss; and any matter or circumstances that it can reasonably be anticipated will have a significant impact on the entity's future operation or financial results. | If applicable, Mandatory |
17AD(d) | Management and accountability | ||
Corporate governance | |||
17AG(2)(a) | 36 | Information on compliance with section 10 (fraud systems) | Mandatory |
17AG(2)(b)(i) | 36 | A certification by accountable authority that fraud risk assessments and fraud control plans have been prepared. | Mandatory |
17AG(2)(b)(ii) | 36 | A certification by accountable authority that appropriate mechanisms for preventing, detecting incidents of, investigating or otherwise dealing with, and recording or reporting fraud that meet the specific needs of the entity are in place. | Mandatory |
17AG(2)(b)(iii) | 36 | A certification by accountable authority that all reasonable measures have been taken to deal appropriately with fraud relating to the entity. | Mandatory |
17AG(2)(c) | 37 | An outline of structures and processes in place for the entity to implement principles and objectives of corporate governance. | Mandatory |
17AG(2)(d)-(e) | N/A | A statement of significant issues reported to Minister under paragraph 19(1)(e) of the Act that relates to non-compliance with Finance law and action taken to remedy non-compliance. | If applicable, Mandatory |
External scrutiny | |||
17AG(3) | 41 | Information on the most significant developments in external scrutiny and the entity's response to the scrutiny. | Mandatory |
17AG(3)(a) | N/A | Information on judicial decisions and decisions of administrative tribunals and by the Australian Information Commissioner that may have a significant effect on the operations of the entity. | If applicable, Mandatory |
17AG(3)(b) | N/A | Information on any reports on operations of the entity by the Auditor-General (other than report under section 43 of the Act), a Parliamentary Committee, or the Commonwealth Ombudsman. | If applicable, Mandatory |
17AG(3)(c) | N/A | Information on any capability reviews on the entity that were released during the period. | If applicable, Mandatory |
Management of human resources | |||
17AG(4)(a) | 42 | An assessment of the entity's effectiveness in managing and developing employees to achieve entity objectives. | Mandatory |
17AG(4)(b) | 44-45 | Statistics on the entity's APS employees on an ongoing and non-ongoing basis; including the following:
| Mandatory |
17AG(4)(c) | 45 | Information on any enterprise agreements, individual flexibility arrangements, Australian workplace agreements, common law contracts and determinations under subsection 24(1) of the Public Service Act 1999. | Mandatory |
17AG(4)(c)(i) | 45 | Information on the number of SES and non-SES employees covered by agreements etc. identified in paragraph 17AG(4)(c). | Mandatory |
17AG(4)(c)(ii) | 45 | The salary ranges available for APS employees by classification level. | Mandatory |
17AG(4)(c)(iii) | 42 | A description of non-salary benefits provided to employees. | Mandatory |
17AG(4)(d)(i) | N/A | Information on the number of employees at each classification level who received performance pay. | If applicable, Mandatory |
17AG(4)(d)(ii) | N/A | Information on aggregate amounts of performance pay at each classification level. | If applicable, Mandatory |
17AG(4)(d)(iii) | N/A | Information on the average amount of performance payment, and range of such payments, at each classification level. | If applicable, Mandatory |
17AG(4)(d)(iv) | N/A | Information on aggregate amount of performance payments. | If applicable, Mandatory |
Assets management | |||
17AG(5) | N/A | An assessment of effectiveness of assets management where asset management is a significant part of the entity's activities. | If applicable, Mandatory |
Purchasing | |||
17AG(6) | 46 | An assessment of entity performance against the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. | Mandatory |
Consultants | |||
17AG(7)(a) | 46 | A summary statement detailing the number of new contracts engaging consultants entered into during the period; the total actual expenditure on all new consultancy contracts entered into during the period (inclusive of GST); the number of ongoing consultancy contracts that were entered into during a previous reporting period; and the total actual expenditure in the reporting year on the ongoing consultancy contracts (inclusive of GST). | Mandatory |
17AG(7)(b) | 47 | A statement that 'During [reporting period], [specified number] new consultancy contracts were entered into involving total actual expenditure of $[specified million]. In addition, [specified number] ongoing consultancy contracts were active during the period, involving total actual expenditure of $[specified million]'. | Mandatory |
17AG(7)(c) | 46 | A summary of the policies and procedures for selecting and engaging consultants and the main categories of purposes for which consultants were selected and engaged. | Mandatory |
17AG(7)(d) | 47 | A statement that 'Annual reports contain information about actual expenditure on contracts for consultancies. Information on the value of contracts and consultancies is available on the AusTender website.' | Mandatory |
Australian National Audit Office Access Clauses | |||
17AG(8) | N/A | If an entity entered into a contract with a value of more than $100,000 (inclusive of GST) and the contract did not provide the Auditor-General with access to the contractor's premises, the report must include the name of the contractor, purpose and value of the contract, and the reason why a clause allowing access was not included in the contract. | If applicable, Mandatory |
Exempt contracts | |||
17AG(9) | N/A | If an entity entered into a contract or there is a standing offer with a value greater than $10,000 (inclusive of GST) which has been exempted from being published in AusTender because it would disclose exempt matters under the FOI Act, the annual report must include a statement that the contract or standing offer has been exempted, and the value of the contract or standing offer, to the extent that doing so does not disclose the exempt matters. | If applicable, Mandatory |
Small business | |||
17AG(10)(a) | 48 | A statement that '[Name of entity] supports small business participation in the Commonwealth Government procurement market. Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and Small Enterprise participation statistics are available on the Department of Finance's website.' | Mandatory |
17AG(10)(b) | 48 | An outline of the ways in which the procurement practices of the entity support small and medium enterprises. | Mandatory |
17AG(10)(c) | N/A | If the entity is considered by the Department administered by the Finance Minister as material in nature - a statement that '[Name of entity] recognises the importance of ensuring that small businesses are paid on time. The results of the Survey of Australian Government Payments to Small Business are available on the Treasury's website.' | If applicable, Mandatory |
Financial statements | |||
17AD(e) | 49 | Inclusion of the annual financial statements in accordance with subsection 43(4) of the Act. | Mandatory |
17AD(f) | Other mandatory information | ||
17AH(1)(a)(i) | N/A | If the entity conducted advertising campaigns, a statement that 'During [reporting period], the [name of entity] conducted the following advertising campaigns: [name of advertising campaigns undertaken]. Further information on those advertising campaigns is available at [address of entity's website] and in the reports on Australian Government advertising prepared by the Department of Finance. Those reports are available on the Department of Finance's website.' | If applicable, Mandatory |
17AH(1)(a)(ii) | 84 | If the entity did not conduct advertising campaigns, a statement to that effect. | If applicable, Mandatory |
17AH(1)(b) | N/A | A statement that 'Information on grants awarded by [name of entity] during [reporting period] is available at [address of entity's website].' | If applicable, Mandatory |
17AH(1)(c) | 84 | Outline of mechanisms of disability reporting, including reference to website for further information. | Mandatory |
17AH(1)(d) | 85 | Website reference to where the entity's Information Publication Scheme statement pursuant to Part II of FOI Act can be found. | Mandatory |
17AH(1)(e) | N/A | Correction of material errors in previous annual report. | If applicable, Mandatory |
17AH(2) | 84 | Information required by other legislation. | Mandatory |
Note: N/A = not applicable