
Australian Gambling Research Centre (AGRC) Expert Advisory Group

The AGRC Expert Advisory Group provides advice on the strategic directions, research plans and programs of the Australian Gambling Research Centre.

Risk Assessment and Audit Committee (RAAC)

The Risk Assessment and Audit Committee (RAAC) ensures effective and efficient use of public resources by reviewing the performance and operation of the Institute’s internal controls and performance management systems.

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is a Human Research Ethics Committee registered with the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). The committee ensures that all projects AIFS undertakes are ethical and respectful of participants. The committee comprises eight members, consisting of: a chairperson; three lay people (a man and two women); one lawyer; one person with relevant research experience; one person who performs a pastoral care role in the community; and one person with knowledge of, and current experience in, professional care, counselling or treatment of people.
