Improving labour market outcomes through education and training
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February 2014
Closing the Gap Clearinghouse
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Education is key to closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous employment rates. However, though levels of participation and attainment by Indigenous Australians in education and training has improved in recent years, substantial gaps still exist. This paper explores this disparity and how it can be addressed.
It looks at current rates and trends in education and employment, programs that address educational issues for school students, apprenticeships and traineeships completion and attrition rates, programs that address issues in apprenticeships and traineeships, participation in higher education, certification and qualifications, occupational differences and outcomes, private and public sector employment, programs for job seekers, regional differences, creating job opportunities, barriers to economic participation, and lessons from overseas.
This report was produced for the Closing the Gap Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse was a Council of Australian Governments’ initiative jointly funded by all Australian Governments. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare in collaboration with the Australian Institute of Family Studies was funded from 2009 to 2014 to deliver the Clearinghouse.