Independent Children's Lawyers Study

Final report

Content type
Commissioned report

June 2014

Commissioning Body

Attorney-General's Department

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A report commissioned by the Attorney-General's Department to examine the use of Independent Children's Lawyers (ICLs) in the family law system.

This report examines the role and efficacy of Independent Children's Lawyers (ICLs) in the family law system in Australia. In particular, it investigates whether the involvement of these lawyers improves the outcomes of children. Independent Children's Lawyers are appointed in some parenting cases in family law proceedings, such as cases of relocation or alleged abuse. Their role is to advocate for the best interests of the child, rather than acting as their direct legal representative. The use of these lawyers is an important measure in fulfilling Australia's obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child, which recognises the right of children to participate in proceedings relevant to their care and to make their views known in judicial and administrative proceedings affecting them. Participants in this evaluation study included legal and non-legal professionals as well as parents and children and young people.

This report was authored by AIFS staff and published by the Attorney-General's Department
