Risk profiles for institutional child sexual abuse

A literature review

Content type
Commissioned report

October 2016


Keith Kaufman, Marcus Erooga, Kelly Stewart, Judith Zatkin, Erin McConnell, Hayley Tews, Daryl Higgins

Commissioning Body

Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse commissioned this literature review to synthesise international evidence regarding risk and protective factors related to child sexual abuse in institutional contexts.

Topics include: family risk factors, setting-based risk factors, offender diversity, victim selection and grooming, facilitators for perpetration, protective factors, faith-based settings, early childhood education and care and schools, healthcare settings, out-of-home care, sports, screening, situational prevention approaches, education and training strategies, applying prevention strategies in non-major institutions, and implications for practice.

This report was authored by AIFS and Royal Commission staff and published by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
