Director's report
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December 1994
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This article briefly reports on a number of positive outcomes emerging from the International Year of the Family 1994. These include: the high profile the International Year has received in the media, the focus of attention at all levels of government on family well being, recognition of the cultural, ethnic and structural diversity of Australia's families, the contribution of families to society through unpaid work and recognition of the dilemmas of people trying to balance their family responsibilities with their work.
This article briefly reports on a number of positive outcomes emerging from the International Year of the Family 1994. These include: the high profile the International Year has received in the media, the focus of attention at all levels of government on family well being, recognition of the cultural, ethnic and structural diversity of Australia's families, the contribution of families to society through unpaid work and recognition of the dilemmas of people trying to balance their family responsibilities with their work.