How satisfield are parents with their doctor?
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March 1996
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What are parents priorities about basic medical services and how do they feel about the services used? The author analyses data from the Australian Living Standards Study (ALSS) conducted by the Australian Institute of Family Studies of families in nine urban areas and in the Riverland and Roma/Bungil. Parents' priorities in terms of basic medical services were the amount of respect they received and how good their doctor was with children. The findings show that families appeared to be very happy with most aspects of their medical service.
What are parents priorities about basic medical services and how do they feel about the services used? The author analyses data from the Australian Living Standards Study (ALSS) conducted by the Australian Institute of Family Studies of families in nine urban areas and in the Riverland and Roma/Bungil. Parents' priorities in terms of basic medical services were the amount of respect they received and how good their doctor was with children. The findings show that families appeared to be very happy with most aspects of their medical service.