Research directions of the Family Court of Australia


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Content type
Family Matters article

April 1997


As well as undertaking much of its own research and evaluation, the Family Court of Australia is keen to encourage other interested individuals or organisations to conduct research which will assist in the development of an appropriate body of knowledge about its operations. This article outline three main areas on which the Family Court is concentrating its research: theoretical and empirical studies; research and evaluation to improve the quality of practice; and research and evaluation for internal decision making.

As well as undertaking much of its own research and evaluation, the Family Court of Australia is keen to encourage other interested individuals or organisations to conduct research which will assist in the development of an appropriate body of knowledge about its operations. This article outline three main areas on which the Family Court is concentrating its research: theoretical and empirical studies; research and evaluation to improve the quality of practice; and research and evaluation for internal decision making.

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