Latest trends - Children, Divorce and One-parent Families


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Family Matters article

September 1997


This article outlines the latest trends relating to children, divorce and single parent families. The 1996 divorce figures showed the highest level in the age specific divorce rate for more than a decade, with one of the consequences being an increase in the existence of one parent families. Although the major growth of children living in one parent families is likely to derive from the growth in divorce, other factors such as the breakdown of de facto relationships are also contributing to this trend.

This article outlines the latest trends relating to children, divorce and single parent families. The 1996 divorce figures showed the highest level in the age specific divorce rate for more than a decade, with one of the consequences being an increase in the existence of one parent families. Although the major growth of children living in one parent families is likely to derive from the growth in divorce, other factors such as the breakdown of de facto relationships are also contributing to this trend.

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