Revisiting America's date rape controversy


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Family Matters article

September 2004

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This article outlines the Australian policy context that indicates the emergence of relationship violence as a topical issue, and the reasons why we might expect a hostile reaction whenever violence in relationships (particularly sexual violence) makes its way onto the public agenda. It then revisits America's 'date rape' debate of the late 1980s and early 1990s, and critically evaluates the aggressive response that emerged in that country against research indicating higher rates of rape in dating relationships than the media and general public were willing or able to accept.

This article outlines the Australian policy context that indicates the emergence of relationship violence as a topical issue, and the reasons why we might expect a hostile reaction whenever violence in relationships (particularly sexual violence) makes its way onto the public agenda. It then revisits America's 'date rape' debate of the late 1980s and early 1990s, and critically evaluates the aggressive response that emerged in that country against research indicating higher rates of rape in dating relationships than the media and general public were willing or able to accept.

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