Opinion: Sole-parent families
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June 2009
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Sole-parent families are on the increase in Australia, and will continue to be a significant minority of family types. As such, it appears timely to ask what we know about sole-parent families and whether policy and practice responses to their needs are based on contemporary evidence. This article explores themes within the literature on sole-parent families and considers the extent to which sole parenting itself, or associated factors, impact on outcomes for children. What helps sole-parent families, in terms of a more sophisticated understanding of their needs and methods of support, is also considered.
Sole-parent families are on the increase in Australia, and will continue to be a significant minority of family types. As such, it appears timely to ask what we know about sole-parent families and whether policy and practice responses to their needs are based on contemporary evidence. This article explores themes within the literature on sole-parent families and considers the extent to which sole parenting itself, or associated factors, impact on outcomes for children. What helps sole-parent families, in terms of a more sophisticated understanding of their needs and methods of support, is also considered.
Robinson, E. (2009). Opinion: Sole-parent families. Family Matters, 82, 47.