Health report: Access to basic medical care in nine urban areas

The Australian Living Standards Study


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Research report

June 1995

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This report to the Department of Human Services and Health analyses data from the Australian Living Standards Study and is based on information provided by families with children living in the urban areas selected: five outer areas (Berwick and Werribee in Melbourne, Campbelltown and Penrith in Sydney, and Elizabeth / Munno Para in Adelaide), two middle areas (Box Hill in Melbourne and Ryde in Sydney), and two inner areas (Melbourne and South Sydney). The report presents findings in relation to the families' experience of general medical practice care. Chapter 2 examines use of basic medical care, including after-hours care. Particular attention is paid to the extent to which certain access considerations (for example, bulk billing, travelling time, modes of transport, reports of unmet need for basic medical services) vary with study area and characteristics of families. Chapter 3 focuses upon the priorities of families and their levels of satisfaction with aspects of the basic medical service they used. In Chapter 4 factors relating to frequency of visits to the General Practitioner are examined, while Chapter 5 assesses the importance of various factors in predicting parents who apparently visited their GP more frequently or less frequently than their health status would seem to suggest.