Inquiry into the Extent and Nature of Poverty in Australia

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February 2023

Despite the strength of the Australian economy and the relatively low rate of unemployment in recent decades, the extent to which families experience relative poverty has not lessened (Cantillon, 2019) and, as demonstrated by this inquiry, such trends have serious implications for the wellbeing of these families.

AIFS undertakes primary research and synthesises the evidence on a broad range of issues affecting Australian families, including those living in poverty or disadvantage. AIFS research also examines issues relating to disadvantage across intersectionalities including mental health, parenting, family and domestic violence, and some institutional impacts (e.g. gendered differential access leading to inequality in the division of family assets in the Family Court). Drawing on findings from AIFS research, our submission summarises some key issues about the poverty and financial disadvantage experienced by Australian families, organising these around some of the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference.
