Enhancing Out-of-Home Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Young People
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Content type
Policy and practice paper
December 2005
Daryl Higgins, Leah Bromfield, Nick Richardson
Table of contents
- Contributors
- Acknowledgements
- Section 1. Scope
- Section 2. Introduction
- Section 3. Method
- 3.1 Participants
- 3.2 Sampling techniques
- Consultations with organisational representatives involved with placement of Indigenous children in out-of-home care
- Focus groups with carers of Indigenous children
- Focus groups with Indigenous young people currently in care
- Procedure
- Data analytic methods
- Section 4. Findings
- 4.1 Perspectives of young people
- Cultural activities
- Connection to family and community
- 4.2 Perspectives of carers, agencies, departments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations
- Recruitment
- Assessment
- Training
- Support for carers
- Services for children
- Retention
- 4.3 Overarching themes
- Holistic approach to service provision with Indigenous families
- Getting help for the biological parents
- Children with complex needs
- Interlinked nature of recruitment, retention, assessment, training and support
- Pre-placement
- Kinship/relative carers
- The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle
- Roles of government, Indigenous and non-government agencies
- Types of care
- 4.4 Comparing the differing perspectives of participants
- 4.5 Methodological issues
- 4.1 Perspectives of young people
- Section 5. Conclusion
- Section 6. Options for Dissemination
- References
- Appendices
- Appendix A: Stakeholders consulted (to protect the confidentiality of participants, this Appendix is not for publication)
- Appendix B: National comparison of Indigenous related out-of-home care policies, Tables 2-5 PDF (247 KB)
- Appendix C: Oral consent pro forma PDF (83 KB)
- Appendix D: Plain language statement PDF (66 KB)
- Appendix E: Detailed question pro forma PDF (150 KB)