Out-of-home care in Australia
Messages from research
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Content type
Policy and practice paper
June 2005
Leah Bromfield, Daryl Higgins, Alexandra Osborn, Stacey Panozzo, Nick Richardson
Download Policy and practice paper
Table of contents
- Contributors and acknowledgements
- List of all Australian research reviewed
- Section 1: Introduction
- Purpose of this report
- Method
- Section 2: Messages from Australian research
- Foster families
- Participation of children and young people in care
- Cultural considerations in placement decisions
- Issues relating to reunification
- Outcomes for children and young people in care
- Young people leaving care
- Residential and specialised models of care
- Kinship care
- Issues for professionals in associated field working with children in out-of-home care
- Policy research: The out-of-home care service system
- Policy research: Service provision
- Individual study reviews presented in tables
- Section 3. Key messages for research, policy and practice in Australian out-of-home care
- Key messages for policy and practice
- Implications for research
- Dissemination
- References
- Appendix A: International review of kinship care literature
- Appendix B: Key messages from research