The role of community patrols in improving safety in Indigenous communities


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Practice guide

July 2013


Community patrols have the potential to increase Indigenous community safety. They can assist in reducing crime rates and alcohol-related harm and empower the local community. The most successful community patrols tend to enjoy community involvement and ownership and strong collaboration with police and a network of community services.

This paper summarises the key evidence in support of community patrols. It also summarises some of the evidence on best practice.

This report was for the Closing the Gap Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse was a Council of Australian Governments’ initiative jointly funded by all Australian Governments. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare in collaboration with the Australian Institute of Family Studies was funded from 2009 to 2014 to deliver the Clearinghouse.

The role of community patrols in improving safety in Indigenous communities (PDF 238 KB)
