Web resources: Fathers
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Dad's Toolkit: Building blocks and talking tools for dads with children 0 to 8 years (PDF 3.0 MB)
This resource for fathers was developed by Relationships Australia and is designed to assist fathers at each stage of development from birth until a child is 8 years old.
Family Relationships Online
This Australian Government initiative has a parents page with information and advice about family relationship issues.
Fathers matter
A booklet stressing the importance of fathers and providing tips on how fathers can be involved in their children's lives.
KidsMatter - Dads
KidsMatter has information sheets about parents' and carers' mental health and a page for dads.
Renovate your relationship (PDF 964 KB)
MensLine Australia (Crisis Support Services) and Relationships Australia (Victoria) have collaborated to produce this resource for men. The 24-page booklet uses a toolkit and project metaphor to help men explore several aspects of their relationships and provides tips and strategies to help maintain and improve them.
The Fatherhood Project
The Fatherhood Project aims for every father to be actively and lovingly engaged in their children's lives.