Web resources: Gambling
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Gambling hangover - NSW Government
Help for individuals, families and friends who are affected by problem gambling.
Gambling help online (National)
A 24-hour online gambling counselling service.
Gambling - Parenting and Child Health (SA)
Information on gambling, when it becomes a problem, effects on families, resources and contact for services in SA.
Gambling Research Australia Website and Clearinghouse
Gambling Research Australia is an initiative of the Ministerial Council on Gambling. The objective of the Council is to minimise the adverse consequences of problem gambling via the exchange of information on responsible gambling measures and by acting as a forum for discussion and facilitation of the development of an effective interventions framework. A list of over 1500 gambling research publication titles and their origins exist on the site - searchable via topic, title, author or category.
Support for problem gambling - Queensland Government
This Queensland Government website provides information to support people with gambling problems. This includes how to spot the signs of problem gambling, and where to access counselling, support and advice for individuals who have a gambling problem.