Web resources: Grandparents


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Resource sheet

January 2017

Council of the Ageing (COTA) 
Council of the Ageing (COTA) is Australia's leading seniors' organisation, protecting and promoting the well-being of all seniors.

Family Law for grandparents 
Self-help information package on issues of relevance to grandparents originally prepared in August 2007 by the Hunter Community Legal Centre with a grant from the Law and Justice Foundation of NSW. Updated on 31 March 2008 by Legal Aid NSW.

Financial support for grandparents and other relative carers - 2nd Edition 
Produced by the Victorian Office of Child Safety Commissioner, the information in this booklet will outline what financial assistance grandparents and other relative carers may be eligible for.

Grandparents raising grandchildren : a compilation by About Seniors at Your Life Choices 
Information on services and support available for grandparents who take on the primary care and responsibility of their grandchildren on a full-time basis.

Grandparents raising grandchildren : an information resource for relative caregivers 
This publication is designed to provide information to the growing number of grandparents providing full time care for their grandchildren. It contains a collection of booklets, including a form and questions about the 'Informal Relative Caregiver's Statutory Declaration' form.

The booklets cover 'General information' (support services, social services etc); 'Support for families' (including housing, finance, helpline services, assistance for children with disabilities and includes a list of Families SA District Centres); 'Legal issues' (advises on family law, legal advice and aid, dispute resolution, family courts and access to legal documents and contact details for community legal centres); and 'Education, parenting & health' (information about educational, health and psychological services).

Legal resources for grandparents and carers - third in a series of resources for grandparents 
If you are a relative caring for a child in your family fulltime, you may have legal questions or problems that will come up from time to time. This book tries to make legal issues easier to understand.

Parenting for grandparents and relative carers - second edition 
Produced by the Victorian Office of Child Safety Commissioner, this booklet has been written to help grandparents and other relative carers who may not have parented for some time navigate the complexities of children’s needs, parental involvement, family support and the importance of recognising and addressing their own needs.

Seniors.gov.au : grandparent support groups 
Covers state and national support services for Australians over 50 who have taken on the role of grandparenting for one reason or another.
