Web resources: Young people


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January 2017

Bursting the bubble
This website is a resource for young people living with family violence.

Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY)
The Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) site has information for workers on young people from different cultural backgrounds, including some great information sheets on newly arrived families.

I just want you to be happy
A book by beyondblue Board Member and General Practitioner Dr Leanne Rowe and colleagues aims to address teenage depression and assist parents, families and General Practitioners.

Lawstuff is an initiative of the National Children's and Youth Law Centre, an independent, non-profit organisation working for all Australians under the age of 25, which aims to to improve the conditions and opportunities of Australian children and young people.

National Children's and Youth Law Centre
The NCYLC is the only national legal centre dedicated to addressing human rights issues for children and young people through legal change. The role of the organisation is to: promote and protect children's and young people's rights; advocate for legal and policy reform affecting children and young people; and promote research and information dissemination on children's rights and legal issues. Services include: individual legal information and advice for children and young people; policy submissions and advocacy; research and discussion paper publications (at a small cost); newsletter (available on subscription); and reference library.

Strong bonds
The Strong Bonds website offers useful information to help parents support a young person through hard times. The site also has a section for youth workers, to help them effectively work with families.

Your sex health
This website is about reproductive and sexual health. It delivers expert information on emotional, practical and relationship issues and explores real-life dilemmas in True Stories.

Youthbeyondblue's all about getting the message out there that it's okay to talk about depression, and to encourage young people and their family and friends to get help when it's needed.

ReachOut.com provides fact sheets on a range of mental health problems and everyday life issues such as relationships, work, family, study and friendships, stories that share insight from others who've been there before, and forums to get tips and support.

Created by SANE Australia, Itsallright is a website where you can read the diaries of four fictional teenagers touched by mental illness. It also has useful factsheets and provides an online information and referral service on mental illness including schizophrenia, depression and anxiety disorders.