Report of stage one of the ADF Families Mobility and Dislocation study


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Research report

October 1992

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The Families Mobility and Dislocation Study (FMDS) represents part of the Australian Defence Force's (ADF) ongoing commitment to ameliorate family disadvantage arising out of Service requirements. The study explores the extent of mobility and dislocation experienced by members of the ADF, and the effects on child care, children's education and spousal employment.

This report is provided in satisfaction of the requirements of the contract dated 30 January 1992 between Headquarters Australian Defence Force (HQADF) and the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) , according to which AIFS was to conduct and report on a series of focus group discussions about the following matters:

  • the availability of adequate suitable and convenient child care arrangements at an affordable price;
  • the opportunities for the children of ADF members to obtain educations commensurate with their needs and their abilities;
  • the opportunities available for the non-ADF partners of ADF members to fmd suitable and satisfying employment commensurate with their needs, desires and qualifications;
  • the availability of part-time employment where required for both ADF members and their partners; and e. general access to, and availability of, community support facilities for Service families. '

At the request of the Director Research Projects (DRP) , Service Personnel Policy (SPP) Branch, HQADF, the contract was extended to include three additional subject matters for focus group discussion:

  • factors influencing ADF members' retention intentions; and
  • perceptions of family needs being considered in the determination of postings.
  • family perceptions of existing family support systems operating in the ADF.