Cool Little Kids
CfC FP Objective | Supporting families and parents Create strong child-friendly communities |
Delivered to | Parents of children aged 3 to 6 at high risk of developing an anxiety disorder. |
Delivered by | Trained facilitators |
Delivery setting | Community-based |
Program developer | Macquarie University Centre for Emotional Health |
About the program
Cool Little Kids is an early intervention version of the Cool Kids program that aims to educate parents on how best to parent a child with anxiety.
Program structure
Six x 2-hour group sessions over 6 to 8 weeks, or 6 x 1-hour individual sessions covering:
- Understanding anxiety and shyness in preschool children
- Causes and risk factors for child anxiety
- Helpful and unhelpful ways of responding to anxiety in children
- Skills and strategies to help your child build brave behaviours and face fears
- Dealing with setbacks and difficulties
- How to maintain progress after the program ends.
Evaluation and effectiveness
The program has undergone several randomised controlled trials (RCT) including an RCT for a slightly modified version of the program aimed at high-risk children. Children whose parents participate in the program show signficant decreases in anxiety diagnoses and a lower frequency and severity of anxiety symptoms (Rapee et al., 2005; Rapee et al., 2010; Rapee et al., 2013). High-risk children showed a signficant reduction in anxiety disorders (Kennedy et al., 2009).
Learn more about the Cool Little Kids program.
Kennedy, S., Rapee, R.M., & Edwards, S. (2009). A selective intervention program for inhibited preschool-aged children of parents with an anxiety disorder: Effects on current anxiety disorders and temperament. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 48(6), 602-609.
Rapee, R.M., Kennedy, S., Ingram, M., Edwards, S., & Sweeney, L. (2005). Prevention and early intervention of anxiety disorders in inhibited preschool children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 73(3), 488-497.
Rapee, R.M., Kennedy, S., Ingram, M., Edwards, S., & Sweeney, L. (2010). Altering the trajectory of anxiety in at-risk young children. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 167(12), 1518-1525.
Rapee, R.M. (2013). The preventative effects of a brief, early intervention for preschool-aged children at risk for internalising: Follow-up into middle adolescence. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54(7), 780-788.
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