Second Step
CfC FP Objective | Supporting families and parents Early learning and care Create strong child-friendly communities School transition and engagement |
Delivered to | Children aged 4 to 13 |
Delivered by | Teachers, counsellors |
Delivery setting | School-based, community-based |
Program developer | Positive Pieces Education |
About the program
Second Step is a universal program designed to increase students’ school success/ school-readiness, improve peer relationships, and decrease problem behaviours by promoting social-emotional competence and self-regulation.
Program structure
Learning kits are available for children at each age level on the Second Step website.
Evaluation and effectiveness
Second Step has undergone multiple radomised controlled trials . The program has been shown to be beneficial as a universal, health promotion and preventative program for preschool and kindergarten-aged children. Results also show significant improvements in social, emotional, problem solving skills and lower frequency of disruptive behaviour (including verbal and physical aggression) post implementation in the classroom.
A full list of research findings is available on the Second Step website.
Phone: 1300 769 919
Email: [email protected]