Talking about parenting? A resource for practitioners working with parents and children
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A new resource launched as part of National Child Protection Week, 1–7 September 2019, highlights how the ways we talk about parenting with parents makes a difference for children.
Designed for practitioners working with parents and children, the Talking about parenting poster draws on new research and guidance, which shows that:
- Words matter
The way we talk about parenting affects how parents engage with our services. - We can have different conversations
The Talking about Parenting Toolkit offers new ways to talk about navigating life’s choppy waters. - It helps to put children first
Starting conversations with a focus on children and their needs can set us on the right track when talking with parents.
Access the poster: Talking about parenting?

- Access the poster online [PDF, 728 KB]
- Download a print-ready version of the poster [PDF, 4.3 MB]
We encourage you to share the poster among your networks and print a copy for your workplace.
This resource has been co-produced by the Australian Institute of Family Studies’ CFCA Information Exchange, the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, and the Parenting Research Centre for National Child Protection Week, 1–7 September 2019. It draws on the collaborative work between FrameWorks Institute and the Parenting Research Centre.
Related resources
- Talking about parenting: Why a radical communications shift is needed to drive better outcomes for children
This discussion article explains the importance of understanding how parents think about parenting in order to communicate more effectively with them. - Navigating waters: Talking about parenting
This online resource, developed by the FrameWorks Institute, provides guidance for talking about parenting to help improve outcomes for children.
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