LSAC data frequencies
January 2025
The data frequencies documents are PDFs with frequency tables for every variable available in the General Release main survey datasets for Waves 1-9C.
The documents are separated by cohort and Topic. For example, Wave 1 has two folders, one for B-cohort (‘GRB0’) and one for K-cohort (‘GRK4’).
The PDFs in each folder represent the topics field in the data dictionary. For example, frequency tables for B-cohort variables assigned the topic ‘Health Status’ will appear in the same PDF.
Terms of use
The frequency tables are intended to help researchers understand the prevalence and response rates of data items and inform and prepare analysis plans. They cannot be linked to create a unit level record and do not provide a longitudinal context. Users are advised to undertake a comprehensive analysis of LSAC data to make valid inferences about the entire population of children in the relevant age groups.
AIFS does not provide consultancy of the information contained in the frequency files. However, you can email us with any data user queries.