Review of Family Relationship Services
Rachel Carson, Rae Kaspiew, Lixia Qu, John De Maio, Jody Hughes, Luke Gahan, Kei Sakata, Liz Wall, Emily Stevens, Briony Horsfall, Sarah Callahan, Sarah Nguyen, Daisy Smith, Salma Ahmed, Nina Hudson
About the project
We have been commissioned by the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department (AGD) to undertake research to support a review of the AGD-funded Family Relationship Services Program (FRSP), including services that support separating/separating families:
- Family Relationship Centres
- Family Relationship Advice Line
- Family Law Counselling
- Family Dispute Resolution (including First Nations FDR)
- Children’s Contact Services, Parenting Orders Program
- Supporting Children After Separation Program
The review has 2 key objectives:
- assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the current FRSP and determine if services are best meeting the contemporary needs of separated/separating families in Australia (in the context of a broader family law sector which extends beyond funded FRSP services) and consider how services can most effectively be delivered in combination
- develop a robust forecasting model to identify the priority location or delivery method of services (including online) to most cost effectively deliver services over the next 10 years.
The research covers 11 components and includes:
- stakeholder consultations and stakeholder interviews with representatives from a broad range of stakeholder groups
- analyses of administrative and data sources, including the Department of Social Services Data Exchange (DEX)
- a survey of FRSP and other family law service system professionals to capture the views and experiences of the broad range of professionals involved in managing, operating and providing services funded under the FRSP, and professionals involved in referring clients to these services or providing non-FRSP services to separating families.
- a survey of separating/separated adults, and in-depth interviews with separating/separated adults to capture views and experiences of people who have used FRSP and non-FRSP services.
The review is due to be completed on 28 June 2024.