A list of peer-reviewed publications and research articles using Ten to Men data that have been published in Australia and internationally.

Transition to a first suicide attempt among young and middle-aged males with a history of suicidal thoughts: A two-year cohort study
Armstrong et al.(2023)
Psychiatry Research 

Exploring health literacy and psychological resilience as moderators of symptoms of mental illness among Australian men
Black et al. (2023) 
American Journal of Men's Health 

Rethinking the distribution of sleep services: discrepancy of obstructive sleep apnoea in rural compared with metropolitan men in Australia – a large national survey
Booker L A et al. (2023) 
Rural and Remote Health 

Men. Male-biased sex ratios and masculinity norms: evidence from Australia’s colonial past 
Baranov V et al. (2023)  
Journal of Economic Growth

High Risk or Risky Highs: Understanding the Links Between Alcohol and Cannabis Use on the Transition From Suicidal Ideation to Attempts in Australian Men 
Mason A et al. (2023)  
Archives of Suicide Research

Depressive symptoms and social support among Australian men: a 7-year longitudinal study 
Rowland B et al. (2023) 
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry

Prospective associations between traditional masculinity and cannabis, hard drug, and alcohol use in Australian emerging adult men 
Teese R et al. (2023) 
Personality and Individual Differences

Like father, like son: empirical insights into the intergenerational continuity of masculinity ideology 
Perales F et al. (2023) 
Sex Roles

Preconception factors associated with postnatal mental health and suicidality among first-time fathers: results from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Men’s Health 
Giallo R et al. (2023) 
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Suicidal ideation in the Australian construction industry: prevalence and the associations of psychosocial job adversity and adherence to traditional masculine norm 
Tyler S et al. (2022) 
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Discrimination experienced by sexual minority males in Australia: Associations with suicidal ideation and depressive symptoms 
Balakrishnan K et al. (2022) 
Journal of Affective Disorders

The need for improved Australian data on social determinants of health inequities  
Flavel J et al. (2022) 
The Medical Journal of Australia

Ten to Men: The Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health: Waves 1–3 
Swami N et al. (2022) 
The Australian Economic Review

What are the effects of ethnicity, sexuality, disability and obesity on the odds of experiencing discrimination among Australian males? A nationwide cross-sectional survey 
Armstrong G et al. (2022) 
BMJ Open

Discrimination experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males in Australia: Associations with suicidal thoughts and depressive symptoms 
Haregu T et al. (2022) 
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry

Socioeconomic disadvantage, mental health and substance use in young men in emerging adulthood 
Currier D et al. (2021) 
Behavioural Medicine

Associations between conformity to masculine norms and depression: Age effects from a population study of Australian men 
Herreen D et al. (2021) 
BMC Psychology

Masculinity and men's health service use across four social generations: Findings from Australia's Ten to Men study 
McGraw J et al. (2021) 
SSM - Population Health

Prospective associations between hegemonic masculinity and incident depression/depressive symptoms: Results from a national sample of Australian emerging adult men 
Van Doorn G et al. (2021) 
Personality and Individual Differences 

Health literacy in male-dominated occupations 
Milner A et al. (2020) 
American Journal of Men's Health

High prevalence of health and social risk behaviours among men experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviour: The imperative to undertake holistic assessments 
Armstrong G et al. (2020) 
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry

Does sexual orientation vary between disabled and non-disabled men? Findings from a population-based study of men in Australia 
Bollier A et al. (2020) 
Disability & Society

Physical activity and depression in men: Increased activity duration and intensity associated with lower likelihood of current depression 
Currier D et al. (2020) 
Journal of Affective Disorders

Multilevel regression and poststratification versus survey sample weighting for estimating population quantities in large population health studies 
Downes M & Carlin JB (2020) 
American Journal of Epidemiology

Comorbid depression and obesity: Correlates and synergistic association with noncommunicable diseases among Australian men 
Haregu TN et al. (2020) 
Preventing Chronic Disease

Conformity to masculine norms: Differences between men with and without a disability 
King TL et al. (2020) 
Psychology of Men & Masculinities

Expressions of masculinity and associations with suicidal ideation among young males 
King TL et al. (2020) 
BMC Psychiatry

Male-dominated occupations, employment status, and suicidal behaviors among Australian men: A follow-up study using two waves of data from the Ten to Men cohort 
Milner A et al. (2020) 
Crisis – The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention

Sexual functioning in men with and without disabilities: Findings from a representative sample of Australian men 
Bollier A et al. (2019) 
Journal of Sexual Medicine

An intersectional approach to understandings of mental health inequalities among men with disability 
King TL et al. (2019) 
SSM Population Health

The influence of masculine norms and mental health on health literacy among men: Evidence from the Ten to Men Study 
Milner A et al. (2019) 
American Journal of Men’s Health

Multilevel regression and poststratification: A modeling approach to estimating population quantities from highly selected survey samples 
Downes M et al. (2018) 
American Journal of Epidemiology

The influence of masculine norms and occupational factors on mental health: Evidence from the baseline of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health 
Milner A et al. (2018) 
American Journal of Men’s Health

Treatment seeking by employment characteristics among Australian males: A longitudinal study from the Ten to Men study 
Milner A et al. (2018) 
Public Health

Suicidal behaviour in Indigenous compared to non-Indigenous males in urban and regional Australia: Prevalence data suggest disparities increase across age groups 
Armstrong G et al. (2017) 
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry

Psychosocial job stressors and thoughts about suicide among males: A cross-sectional study from the first wave of the Ten to Men cohort 
Milner A et al. (2017) 
Public Health

Cohort profile: Ten to Men, the Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health 
Pirkis J et al. (2017) 
International Journal of Epidemiology

Masculinity and suicidal thinking 
Pirkis J et al. (2017) 
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Socio-economic position and suicidal ideation in men 
Pirkis J et al. (2017) 
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

The Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health – methods 
Currier D et al. (2016) 
BMC Public Health

Life stress and suicidal ideation in Australian men – cross-sectional analysis of Ten to Men baseline data 
Currier D et al. (2016) 
BMC Public Health

Inequalities in socio-economic characteristics and health and wellbeing of men with and without disabilities: A cross-sectional analysis of the baseline wave of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health 
Kavanagh AM et al. (2016) 
BMC Public Health

Age matters: Exploring correlates of self-rated health across four generations of Australian males 
Koelmeyer R et al. (2016) 
Behavioral Medicine

Diabetes in young adult men: Social and health-related correlates 
Koelmeyer R et al. (2016) 
BMC Public Health

Psychosocial job quality, mental health, and subjective wellbeing: A cross-sectional analysis of the baseline wave of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health 
LaMontagne AD et al. (2016) 
BMC Public Health

Introducing Ten to Men, the Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health 
Pirkis J et al. (2016) 
BMC Public Health

Health and lifestyle factors associated with sexual difficulties in men – results from a study of Australian men aged 18 to 55 years 
Schlichthorst M et al. (2016) 
BMC Public Health

Why do men go to the doctor? Socio-demographic and lifestyle factors associated with healthcare utilisation among a cohort of Australian men 
Schlichthorst M et al. (2016) 
BMC Public Health

Sleep apnoea in Australian men: Disease burden, co-morbidities, and correlates from the Australian longitudinal study on male health 
Senaratna CV et al. (2016) 
BMC Public Health

The Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health sampling design and survey weighting: Implications for analysis and interpretation of clustered data 
Spittal MJ et al. (2016) 
BMC Public Health
